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Thursday 4/17


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I would be down for some riding. I am not too familiar with the area, but I have to travel there for work sometimes. What time are you thinking? Any specific spot for a meetup? Where is this Atwood?

Edit x2: Atwood lake? Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the Akron/Canton area.

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  Mc_spirited said:
I would be down for some riding. I am not too familiar with the area, but I have to travel there for work sometimes. What time are you thinking? Any specific spot for a meetup? Where is this Atwood?

Edit x2: Atwood lake? Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the Akron/Canton area.

Atwood Lake. As cliche` as it is, we usually meet up at the starbucks/einsteins bagels on the strip in N. Canton. It's about halfway for the canton/massilon folks and the akron folks, and its right by the highway so we can shoot down it briefly to get to the twistys. We could meet there or at QSL.

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Ok, lets plan on meeting at 6pm and rolling out by 6:30pm. That should give us enough time to hit the twisties before dark. Perhaps dinner @ QSL Canton aftewards.

here is a rough google map of the ride.


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  Mc_spirited said:
hahah. Im not sure how long ill stay after dark, seeing as how I have to ride back to cleveland afterwards.

Don't be a sissy, the lowest temp it should be is 50 that night.

Now the more important thing is, is anyone else coming? I hope I didn't put a whole 5 minutes worth of effort googling up a map just for you.

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My bike is down for the moment. The bolt that holds the shift rod to the body of the bike worked its' way out last week. A new bolt is on order..but won't be in till Friday at the earliest. :(

And no, I can't just buy any bolt to stick in there.

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  JRMMiii said:

Nice weekends are MUCH better times.

Yea, but the weekend is supposed to be shitty. Besides, I'll be in cinci taking a test saturday, and stuck in a datacenter all sunday doing upgrades. And we all know that fun can't be had without me.

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This weekend is the blessing of the bikes on Saturday. A troop rally is sunday, with escorted rides leaving from Liberty, Century, Southeast and Lorain Harley Davidson (I think).

Its not the cold. I just dont want to ride back on the freeway in the dark with the threat of the deers. I drive the interstate back and forth quite a bit, I just dont want to let my concentration slip then hit a pothole or somethin of the sort. But I guess cold and accidents can be dressed for.

Edit for a good story: Last year, me (on my 250) and my buddy (riding my current bike) did the troop rally out of Lorain. It went down Detroit or somethin and snaked around the west side market area. We met up with the other riders on the Vietnam Vetrans bridge. When we got to the end of the bridge into downtown the traffic started to back up from people pulling into lots and spaces and whatnot. There is this street at a y intersection with the street the bridge is on. There was this douche in a BMW with his girlfriend in the car. There was no room for hm to get through, needless to say, they were not going to make room. Of course the dude in the BMW starts to inch twards the bikes. Well this one Harley guy diddnt like that. Brought a hammerfist down onto the hood of his car. Douche gets out, and words are exchanged. Kickstands go down and the hammerfist guy gets off the bike, then another rider pulls up from somewhere behind and gets off. Then one or two other riders pull up and do the same. Douche got back in his car and backed up or drove the other way. One of the best moments I have from any of the rides I've ever done. Pure gold.

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  Mc_spirited said:
This weekend is the blessing of the bikes on Saturday. A troop rally is sunday, with escorted rides leaving from Liberty, Century, Southeast and Lorain Harley Davidson (I think).

Its not the cold. I just dont want to ride back on the freeway in the dark with the threat of the deers. I drive the interstate back and forth quite a bit, I just dont want to let my concentration slip then hit a pothole or somethin of the sort. But I guess cold and accidents can be dressed for.

Edit for a good story: Last year, me (on my 250) and my buddy (riding my current bike) did the troop rally out of Lorain. It went down Detroit or somethin and snaked around the west side market area. We met up with the other riders on the Vietnam Vetrans bridge. When we got to the end of the bridge into downtown the traffic started to back up from people pulling into lots and spaces and whatnot. There is this street at a y intersection with the street the bridge is on. There was this douche in a BMW with his girlfriend in the car. There was no room for hm to get through, needless to say, they were not going to make room. Of course the dude in the BMW starts to inch twards the bikes. Well this one Harley guy diddnt like that. Brought a hammerfist down onto the hood of his car. Douche gets out, and words are exchanged. Kickstands go down and the hammerfist guy gets off the bike, then another rider pulls up from somewhere behind and gets off. Then one or two other riders pull up and do the same. Douche got back in his car and backed up or drove the other way. One of the best moments I have from any of the rides I've ever done. Pure gold.

Where is the blessing of the bikes?

Ahh damn..I'll be in Ann Arbor with the Dalai Lama. Priorities.

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Hah. I think most dealerships have their own shit for blessing of the bikes. Its not an actual church, but a pavillion in the park set up as a church. This one is out of the Harley dealership on RT 18 (Century?). Go to their website and check for the times. It is saturday morning, with pancake breakfast around 9am or something like that.

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  InyaAzz said:
Then you obviously have never spent any time there.

Sorry, but its against the terms and conditions of receiving my diploma to have anything positive to say about the unnamed state up north.

BTW, I think its pretty cool that you get to meet the Dalai Lama. I have a lot of respect for the various Asian philosophies from my years training in Chinese Martial Arts.

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I get the whole Mich/Ohio thing..I buy into it too. But let's remove that from the topic of Ann Arbor (I know it's hard...but try it). Ann Arbor is a very diverse, thriving and beautiful city. It's one of the few places in the Midwest you can say that about. Whereas people are leaving places like Columbus proper and Cleveland (not picking on Ohio, it's happening in Detroit too), Ann Arbor is gaining citizens. If I had to move again, there is only one, maybe two places in the Midwest I would consider, and AA is one of them.

I'm going to have to get you up there one time to show you..that is if you don't melt first. :)

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  walther_gsp said:

BTW, I think its pretty cool that you get to meet the Dalai Lama. I have a lot of respect for the various Asian philosophies from my years training in Chinese Martial Arts.

I'll be sure to take a lot of pics and post em on Sunday.

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  InyaAzz said:
I get the whole Mich/Ohio thing..I buy into it too. But let's remove that from the topic of Ann Arbor (I know it's hard...but try it). Ann Arbor is a very diverse, thriving and beautiful city. It's one of the few places in the Midwest you can say that about. Whereas people are leaving places like Columbus proper and Cleveland (not picking on Ohio, it's happening in Detroit too), Ann Arbor is gaining citizens. If I had to move again, there is only one, maybe two places in the Midwest I would consider, and AA is one of them.

I'm going to have to get you up there one time to show you..that is if you don't melt first. :)

I have to say it.

Q: Why do birds fly upside down over Ann Arbor?

A: Nothing worth shitting on.

Thank you folks, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

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  InyaAzz said:
I'll let you know when DSB is going to have a big ride. That would be a good time to go.

Oh yeah, don't quit your day job. :)

If I don't pass my test saturday, I'll have to find a new job. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with the ridicule. It's a rough crowd in our infosec group. We don't let ANYTHING slide.

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  walther_gsp said:
If I don't pass my test saturday, I'll have to find a new job. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with the ridicule. It's a rough crowd in our infosec group. We don't let ANYTHING slide.

Oh snap..good luck with that. Forgot it was coming up that soon.

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