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I feel bad for this guy....

Gixxus Christ!

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New customer. Brought me thus 24 yr old honda 250 quad that was burning oil like a house on fire, he figured new rings and out the door.

He dropped it off and first night it puked a few quarts of oil onto my garage floor.

Pulled the motor and noticed a chunk missing from the side case right where the shift shaft is.

Ordered a new case, in the mean time I tore the engine down and inspected it. Cylinder was oversized and out of round. Piston was barely within spec.

Side case came in today so I figured while I was waiting on an oversized piston to ship so I could get the jug bored I'd go ahead and swap out the case. This is what I found when I pulled it:

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That's dirt. When you have a hole in your crank case and you ride in the dirt, dort gets inside the motor. Hey pauly, I've never run into this before, should I try and rinse the case out with kerosene and salvage it or just tell dude his motor is fucked?

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It's a 24 year old $500 quad. Pretty sure he's gonna tell me to scrap it and just pay me my labor and parts cost....and I'd never perform a complete teardown and inspection without the customers consent, that's a lot of labor he never agreed to pay for.

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It's a 24 year old $500 quad. Pretty sure he's gonna tell me to scrap it and just pay me my labor and parts cost....and I'd never perform a complete teardown and inspection without the customers consent, that's a lot of labor he never agreed to pay for.

My bad, missed the 24 Y/O part.

Offer him $100 for the title and fix it yourself.

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And do what with it? Sell it to someone and have the motor blow up on them? I'm not gonna put my stamp on that. Going to pull the oil filter out tomorrow and look at it, if it's caked with sand I can assume that the rest of the motor has been treated to some serious abrasion, in which case I'll tell him the motor is nws.

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Dude I'm not going to split cases and replace rod, crank, transmission etc plus entire top end job on a 24 year old bike that was only made for 4 years even if I could find the parts. and still make money on it. A much better use of my time would be to work on other bikes for other customers at $50/hr and actually make money. You must have too much time on your hands.

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I understand that and I didn't intend to piss you off...just another noob sticking his foot in his mouth I guess, didn't realize you were so busy. It's all good, I'd still buy the first round if/when we ever meet. Difference between us is I feel bad for the bike, not the dipshit owner.

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It's his kids quad, I don't think either of them knew about the hole in the crank case, couldn't see it through all the mud caked on the motor. I'm not pissed dude, just explaining why it's a lost cause. Who knows? Maybe it's worth finishing the top end, I don't feel any slop in the crank or rod bearings and the bike was running good despite burning a serious amount of oil. I'll call the guy monday, see what he wants to do.

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