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I just have allergies. I'm not crying.


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The militarization of our police force...and it is ours....we pay for it, it belongs to us and should serve us....is very troubling. The eagerness that these doughnut commandos display to play dress up with all their tacticool gear and raid houses on a whim and a warrant shows that they have clearly list sight of what it means to protect the innocent and serve the public trust. I hope meaningful legislation can be enacted to curtail these types of dick-brained intrusions.

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That article was kinda one-sided.  Just sayin'.


Agreed.  So far, we've heard that a) no drugs found, b) no "person of interest" found, and c) baby critically wounded with possible permanent brain damage.


I'm open to a counterpoint - if you have one.

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I'd love to see some kind of cost-benefit analysis put to the SWAT Team Industrial Complex. 


How often were cops getting killed executing warrants in the days before no-knock raids were common?  And how much has that figure now fallen, if any?  And if the number of dead cops has fallen, has it fallen by enough to justify the number of dead babies, terrified grandmothers, dead dogs, and billions spent on their soldier-gear? 


I am guessing not. 


We should have been shipping these assholes to iraq and afghanistan over the last 10 years. Find out how much fun playing infantry is in that setting...

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Undercover cops were in the home earlier that day purchasing drugs. No evidence of kids at that time and plenty of reason to get a warrant. I get that cops are corrupt sometimes, but for fuck sake it doesn't mean they are every time. Stupid bitch moved her kid into a drug house and is now crying that some bad shit happened. Gee, wonder why.... She isn't a fucking victim here. This kid is the only victim and he's the victim of a cunt mother rather than law enforcement.

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Since nobody else wants to post the other side of the story


Also funny how much the bandwagon effect has around here. First thread everyone is against parents not cops, second thread everyone is against cops not parents... Shit people, form your own fucking opinions now and then

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My opinion is that the LEOs fucked up big time.  Why not arrest at the time they made their "buy" from the dealer?  Big money was expended on this raid, but no money for some surveillance to ensure the residence did not have any children present?  Piss poor.  If the proper surveillance and such is deemed too expensive, then the crime in question most definitely did not warrant this type of action.


LEOs, we all appreciate your efforts to subdue crime in our towns and cities, but for god's sake, please stop killing and injuring innocent citizens!  Far too often lately guys.  Get your shit together.  One of these incidents will ruin 1000's of good deeds in the public opinion.  Why?  Because people tend to get pissed when innocents are killed or maimed...they are funny in that way.   

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there is more outrage when a dog gets shot than when some poor little kid get flashgangbanged by a coperator.  i mean, i like puppies as much as the next guy, but come on gaiz.

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Be mad at the parents for moving their children into a drug house, not at the police for raiding that drug house.


As for surveillance... They had an agent in the house.  that's not good enough for you?  


On the one hand you want expensive surveillance measures, and on the other, some of you are complaining about money spent on all the raids & gear.


The minute you side against the police on this exception-to-the-rule about hurting an infant, every single drug dealer out there is going to find a way to have a baby mama w/ a baby in the house so they can't be raided as easily.  


The police followed procedures and an unfortunate accident happened.  That doesn't mean I don't support them in their efforts against drugs and drug dealers.  It ALSO doesn't mean that I don't view them with an extremely critical eye, also... They may have my support (which is worth exactly nothing) for this time, but I still don't like plenty of other issues with LEOs.

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Butters' link states that they "did make the buy OUT of the house"  I don't see any info indicating they had been inside prior to the raid.  If they were inside or paying any attention at all they would know there is a child there.  Toys in the yard, playpen/toys/laundry in the house.  Check the garbage...any diapers?  A little more Pre-raid effort could have avoided this...that's what I'm getting at.


What I'm saying is that if monies/manpower/equipment are to be spent on the raid, then appropriate monies etc. should have been spent PRIOR to the raid.


I would wager that there are children of some age present in a lot of drug houses.  Police should act accordingly...everybody leaves the house sometime.


Don't judge the parents decision to move there until your house burns down and you have no where to go.  Walk a mile.


Don't take my comments the wrong way.  I am a supporter of law enforcement....but they have been fucking up a lot lately.  




Also, unless I missed in the links....did they catch they guy or find any drugs during the raid?

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Lol I would hardly call this an incident of militarized police. It was a flash bang grenade. It's a distraction device. Nobody threw a grenade in there, nobody showed up in an m1 abrams tank... Flash bang have been used by swat teams for a long fucking time. I definitely disagree with the copmandos showing up lately, but the use of a flash bang to breach a barricaded door isn't militarization.

I'm against militarized police and abuse of power as much as the next guy, but get a fucking grip... If it was militarized they would blown the door off and went in shooting people.

Who the fuck barricades the door to a drug house with a fucking crib anyways?

Also when the buy went down earlier in the day there was no evidence of children. Nothing in the yard, nothing visible in the house. Mom admits she knew it was a drug house and tried to keep kids separate from all of that.

Guess police should just start knocking politely on the door of drug dealers with a history of weapons charges and asking them nicely if they would like to go to prison.

As for war on drugs, it's all bullshit money grab to line pockets. But if you're selling meth to undercover cops, wtf do you expect to happen? Just saw a survey showing meth use is skyrocketing in 14-15yr old age range... You sure give a lot of fucks about this little baby, where's the same concern for these other poor poor children?

This topic makes my fucking brain hurt.

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Cool link. I know what it is though... Point?

The military also uses handguns. So should police not have those too? What about bulletproof vests? I'm sure they probably issue flashlights in the military too... Better make sure the police don't get them.

Edited by Steve Butters
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Fuck them for being lazy, fat, commando cunts. Do some actual police work. You want to lob grenades into homes? Join the fucking Army. This isn't Iraq. American soil and militarized police don't jive. If you disagree...fuck you. I prefer civil liberties over cops with tanks. Get the fuck out and go live in some shithole on the other side of the world. Stop fucking up my home.




What do you suggest we or "the government" do about illegal drugs and drug dealers?  Make them all legal?  Leave it up to vigilantes and the family of victims?  Ignore it all and pretend it doesn't happen?


Edit:  My BB code got screwed up & I.P. is misquoted as RCBS, just ugnore it.

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Also, if anybody supports the "drug war", they're an idiot.


If by "drug war", you mean cartels offing one another over turf in northern Mexico...yes I support it....wholeheartedly.


If you mean "drug war" as in the "war" against civil liberties costing taxpayers billions of dollars while not really accomplishing anything besides filling our prisons with non-violent offenders, and increasing the amount of agents on the DEA's payroll, then no...no support here.

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I'm personally for anarcho-capitalism and libertarian approaches to what ails us as a society group so to hell with organized governments who only want more power and control at the local, state, and federal levels.  We are already a police state so it doesn't matter if you choose to support the po-po and their agenda, they're not your fucking friends.  


As for all of the other farked up druggie kids out there....where the fuck are their parents?  Personally, I don't give a shit what choices they make just as long as it doesn't wind up on my lawn.  

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Want to stop illegal drug trafficking? Stop making drugs illegal. It's really not fucking rocket science.


Sometimes I thought, just maybe you were out in left field playing football...but now I know for sure, you are truly fucking retarded.

Do us all a favor. Go get really fucking high, get on your motorcycle(without a helmet), and drive really fast into a fucking wall.

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Found in this thread: fascists and puritans.

Supporters of the war on drugs ought to just fuck ing deport themselves to substance - free utopias like Saudi Arabia or china.

If you think our society has gained anything from the 60 - year war on individuals' choices to ingest chemicals, and the massive collateral damage that's gone on during said war, you may want to reconsider who it is in left field.

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I'm confused... it sounds like you're advocating for legal use of all drugs, provided they're not cooking meth in a house since that might be a danger to the house next door.


And you can call people cunts all you want, but the fact of the matter is that when you catch your son hiding meth in his bookbag, or he robs someone to get $50 for a hit, you MIGHT change your tune.  Then again, you're pretty stubborn from what I remember, so you might not... 


But another point is that collateral damage is NOT only coming from the police... it's hard to quantify the amount of collateral damage that has been PREVENTED by keeping people off of meth, crack, etc.  The more they put behind bars, the less thieves & murderers there are out there to prey on the innocent.  


I'll take one the odds of 1 kid per 1,000 raids getting hurt to having 1,000 less druggies on the street.

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