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How long before we adopt the Euro?


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I like to go to Tim Horton's in uniform just to mess with them. I'll order cookies or bagels or something. They always say....."do you want any donuts" with a little twinkle in their eye. I then get to say that they are profiling me based on my clothing. Funny role reversal.

PS, I do like donuts. Most cops do and will lie about it. Jelly filled for me. The powdered ones leave traces on dark polyester.


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Well until recently, on third shift, the only thing open at 4:00am for lunch was donut shops. That's why you always see cops congregating there. Now you have a few 24 fast food joints, but us old school LE's still frequent the sweet shops. Tim Horton's actually has a good assortment of non-donut related items.

Still a good Krispy Kreme is always welcome. LOL

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PS, I do like donuts. Most cops do and will lie about it. Jelly filled for me. The powdered ones leave traces on dark polyester.

i think everyone likes donuts no matter their chosen profession.

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Actually it would be the Amero and it has been discussed by the heads of the US, Canada and Mexico, but that means we would be closer to MexAmeriCanada and that would be bad due to WE are the only WORKING country of the three and I dont want socialised medicine and free movement of illegal imigrants across the entire east and western seaboard of north america.

BINGO!! I've read ALOT of discussion on this. It's not that farfetched either....Look how much the dollar has decreased in value over the last few years, & how much gold has increased over the same period. They know Americans will NEVER go for the idea, so some believe it's being devalued until it happens right before our very eyes without realizing what they're doing to us.

After all, ever since Nixon, we've been off the gold standard, and the only thing actually "backing" our U.S. currency is the faith & credit of the United States Government.....Otherwise it's just worthless paper

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