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Article: Obama orders CDC gun violence study, study shreds his position


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I saw this repost today and thought I'd share for comments:


"Earlier this year, President Obama signed a set of executive orders targeting gun violence in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. Among them was an edict commanding the CDC to do a comprehensive survey of studies regarding guns and gun violence in the United States. Clearly, once the CDC produced the hard evidence that the US was a violent nation of wild-west shootouts, the American people would be eager to approve and fund future research while embracing strict gun control legislation.

At least that was the plan.  The study, which was compiled by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council under the CDC's direction, was recently completed and released. The anti-gun crowd has been awfully quiet about it. Could it be that it didn't support their bogus hypothesis?

In a word, Yes. The CDC's numbers basically back every pro-gun rights argument made over the course of the last year."

And the last paragraph:

"We all know the United States has too much crime, and yes, too much gun violence. No one is arguing that we don't need to work to bring those numbers down.  However, expanded gun control has never been the answer.  The report recommends further research on a variety of topics, among them the effects of gun safety tech, videogame violence, and alcohol availability on gun crime. Still, with all of the above data in mind, we wouldn't expect to see Obama and Biden waving their study around. It simply does too much damage to many of their specious claims."

Read the full article here:




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Whats wrong with alcohol and guns we have a government branch with 2/3 that in its name. ATF!! LOL


makes me wonder why the CDC conducted the study instead of said branch aimed at regulating firearms...

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makes me wonder why the CDC conducted the study instead of said branch aimed at regulating firearms...


True.  Though I'd trust the CDC much, much, much more than the ATF with a study like that.

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makes me wonder why the CDC conducted the study instead of said branch aimed at regulating firearms...

 If I put on my Washington DC decoder ring, I'd say that the Obama administration felt it was more likely that they would get they results they desired from the CDC than from the ATF. 

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If I put on my Washington DC decoder ring, I'd say that the Obama administration felt it was more likely that they would get they results they desired from the CDC than from the ATF.

Or they wanted a public health angle versus... What it ATF's angle again?

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