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Who knows for sure. I can't tell if this article, written a few days ago, is speaking in terms of now or a long time ago.


US airstrikes obliterated the vanguard of the insurgents as they came within range of Erbil's outskirts.

In recent years Erbil has been transformed into an oil-boom town, a base for numerous multi-national energy corporations, including the big American companies Chevron and Exxon Mobil, all now drilling for oil and gas.

Prominent US commentator and author Steve Coll argues that the threat to US energy companies was a factor in Washington's rush back to Iraq.



Here's another article. Seems more about oil than religious wack jobs not liking each other. More like paid wack jobs doing the work of interested parties wanting to take control of certain areas.  So if you had a shit load of money and could forcefully take over some oil fields and then sell it, why not...



Interesting that a filled Kurdish oil tanker is sitting 50 miles away from Houston and can't unload. So the entity we're supporting, we're also telling them they can't sell their oil direct because we want to support the oil sales going thru Baghdad to support the Iraqi government yet the government is not paying the Kurds their cut. wtf

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Just finished it.

These people need to be made dead.

Here's the thing... They truly believe in it. They truly believe their way of thought is a reality. That is what makes this scary... That city was once, vey westernized but when IS takes control, the just follow suit. How blindly they will follow the blind!

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Our 'involvement' with foreign countries and their actions within their borders has put in a place where we are forced to choose which enemy we would rather side with. Crazy.....

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Watched the video. Their upset Muslims were killed. I'd like to understand why they think Muslims were killed. I don't really care their god says women need to wear a vail or how they run a city.

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If they take Iran or pakistan they could conceivably become a nuclear power within a few years.



never happen. these fucking cave warriors are just that. they would never compare against any real military. theyre taking iraq and syria because those countries are trash pits with nobody to fight back. they would never get turkey, jordan, israel, pakistan, or iran....theyre just big dreamers

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never happen. these fucking cave warriors are just that. they would never compare against any real military. theyre taking iraq and syria because those countries are trash pits with nobody to fight back. they would never get turkey, jordan, israel, pakistan, or iran....theyre just big dreamers

Agreed. But they are dreamers who dream of salvation through death and do not fear. They have tested the borders of Saudi Arabia, Jordon and Lebanon and been repulsed.Those areas will have to be converted or pacified from within before trying again.


Perhaps the strangest part is that Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel are making plans and combining forces if necessary. I would bet Turkey also has advanced planning. NATO in general would be correct in starting to worry about future events.


I'm wondering about the Arab League of Nations, and why so quiet. Probably a split on which side to support.

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Many many people predicted this type of thing would happen by taking Hussein out.

When will the US learn to stay out of other countries business. We (the US) cannot expect the world to be like us, or even believe in the same lifestyle. Some are happy being in a life we would call primitive.

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Read an interesting British article about what is about to change in the Middle East. Well written and very observant. Basically the old Sykes–Picot political borders of 1916 that split up the Ottoman Empire are about to go away. Countries in the middle East will self determine by religious and ethnic affiliation instead. People will be displaced from one place to another. End of the current warfare? Not in your wildest dreams. It will be only the beginning. It will also result in wide spread genocide, kidnapping and forced payment of tribute. A very primitive situation. Not one the modern world is equipped to deal with.


My best guess is that the US and Europe should be close friends with Turkey, which was the Ottoman Empire before all this happened. They took care of it once, and could do it again. So could Iran, which was Persia. But Iran is part of the problem.

Western intervention over Isis won’t prevent the break-up of Iraq
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Possibly completely wrong but I don't think it truly matters what religious or ethnic affiliation anyone has, other than that is the excuse to congregate the groups jockeying for oil control in the future.


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Many many people predicted this type of thing would happen by taking Hussein out.

When will the US learn to stay out of other countries business. We (the US) cannot expect the world to be like us, or even believe in the same lifestyle. Some are happy being in a life we would call primitive.

I don't necessarily agree with hunting Al Baghdadi, I'm waiting for the media to portray him as the next terrorist to go after, along with their religious war oriented rants.

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The part I don't understand is that, on the face of everything I've seen in the news, documentaries and videos, they seem to have a great love of their children--at least the male ones--and their families.  How that idea can be perverted into the teaching of hate, intolerance and self-destruction in the name of their god is beyond belief and understanding, at least for a westerner.  The only rationale I can up with is that it's based on pure ignorance, and the compelling need to continue to perpetuate ignorance.

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A good friend of mine is a sunni muslim and him and his entire family do not agree with anything ISIS is doing (however, they do side with the palestinians in gaza rather than the jews...they are palestinian from Jordan.) The things these terrorist and radical groups are doing are not the teachings of Islam. It got perverted in the same way any religion does. Hint: Westboro Baptist Church. The problem is, the people cant read, so they don't know what the Quaran says. They only go by what they are taught from their parents. The children of that culture are being raised as radicals and they don't know any better and they truly believe in what they are fighting for. That is how this occurs. Ignorance and manipulation by radicals has had a strong effect over there because of the socioeconomic state of those countries. Poor, uneducated people who are brainwashed from the very second they pop out of the womb.

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I'd think the hate and it's preaching is obviously spawn from their perspective of what's been done to their people or family, to ignorant to understand who's pulling the strings and why and using religion as false hope clouding sanity. Obviously, if I was a peaceful goat herder and everyone from my church got blown up fighting for a big oil position or just happened to be in the area and got blown up, I'd be pissed as well.

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