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my g/f's dad ran over a badger in his driveway...

I mean, what kind of grown man calls up his daughter to remove a dead animal from his driveway? Seriously!

so I happened to be at her mom's house with her when he called, I went over to his house and got rid of it for him...(which is funny, cause I rode over to his house with jess on the back, and he hates motorcycles, and me)

so then I just started singing *badger, badger, badger, badger.....mushroom mushroom* etc

I wanted to share it with someone, but didn't want to get busted by the :repost::postcop:s...

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:lol: Good one Mags! So is the dude afraid of dead animals or what?

He said it made him queazy...or something...

why the hell call your daughter to remove a dead animal?

Exactly! Man-up and deal with the situation, don't call your daughter to come fix it for you...

And how the hell do you hit a badger in your driveway?

Not sure, but after I removed it, and hosed the blood/guts off the driveway he was telling jess,

"well he's from the country, it's like second nature to him, no big deal"

I don't think I've ever had to pick up road kill before, and he didn't even know I was going to be there..how would he explain it when his daughter (from the city)came and cleaned it up?:slap:

so enough ranting...

moral of the story, if you're a full grown man, and not disabled, the LAST person you want to call to come help you clean up a dead animal is your 20 y/o daughter from across town...call your son, and bribe him not to tell anyone how big of a pansie you are...

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