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And let me add some details about racing or riding a bike like this.  THIS IS NOT A BEGINNER BIKE.  But, it also isn't violent and unruly.  It is fast, it is something that takes a lot of focus, but it is a pure pleasure to race and track.  The traction control is the best I have ever ridden and you'd need a serious amount of kit parts to get the feel this produces in a Japanese machine.  Even the Kawi kit box doesn't have this good of TC.  I've ridden both and the ZX10 tells you and lets you know when it is hitting in.  Without the dash on the 1199, I wouldn't know half the time if at all.  I sometimes can catch her stepping out and catching hard, but it is rare.  In fact, Matty is always on me about trusting it and I think this year I made progress. 


The bike handles like a razor blade.  I am a rider that needs front end feel on an above average level.  I ride the front a lot and with a little bit of a loose riding style, I hammer the front on corner entry.  With Matt's help, we got the suspension giving MUCH MORE feedback and the chassis geo is spot on.  It can ALWAYS use a little bit more input and perfection, but it is DAMN good. 


Anyways...  I will stop rambling.  This is bittersweet for me.  I love the way it is setup and I love the passion in this machine.  I believe every bike has a soul and this is one of the racebikes of many I have had the pleasure of racing that is one of my favorites.  I will hate to see her go and hope she lands in good hands.

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Here is with the other bodywork...  It is from last season and shows the clutch lever guard on, but was never used.  I would also leave the 1199S fender on (carbon)


This is what the $15k package would include...





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