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November training with Valkyrie Defense Group


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Dress warm. Only a high of 50 tomorrow and will be 37 when we arrive. I'll be sporting thermal undies. If you fellas play your cards right I'll model them later.

Damn it!! I got hosed when i took my class!!

This option was not on the table when i signed up back in October!!

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Absolutely! This was a phenomenal class! I came out of there a far better, more prepared shooter/carrier. Brian and Jason brought their A game today. I think I ended up putting about 350 rounds down range while drawing from holster, moving about, and engaging multiple targets. I'd take this one again in the spring if it was available.

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Absolutely start a new threa if you think it is worthy! We love the feed back. I also forgot to tell you guys at the end of the day about our returning student deal. If you want to come back to a class you already have a cert from you can return for free if you bring two friends. We have had guys who have been to this class three times now. They love it.

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Absolutely start a new threa if you think it is worthy! We love the feed back. I also forgot to tell you guys at the end of the day about our returning student deal. If you want to come back to a class you already have a cert from you can return for free if you bring two friends. We have had guys who have been to this class three times now. They love it.

Great to know!

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Absolutely start a new threa if you think it is worthy! We love the feed back. I also forgot to tell you guys at the end of the day about our returning student deal. If you want to come back to a class you already have a cert from you can return for free if you bring two friends. We have had guys who have been to this class three times now. They love it.

Uh consider this shit done.  I had 2 people already coming before I got back to my actual house.  My wife and BIL and/or MIL are all in.  They all have CHL's and I couldn't stop talking about it when I got to my inlaws house.  It's exactly what the females need to get more comfortable, BIL is pretty experienced but he needs real training, not just plinking.  


But I would also absolutely pay the cost again to get that class again.  And like I said, if you guys want to run the CAC2 class early spring for a trial session I know Eric, Craig, and myself are in, paying normal cost etc but can be used and abused.  I like it ruff, Craig not so much.  Eric is quiet and you gotta be super gentle with him lol.  


I am borderline retarded right now and exhausted.  Freaking awesome class, Going to do a full write up in a new thread.

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Haha hahaha! I won't lie, I fell asleep in the shower when I got home. Everyone thinks the instructing part is the easy part. Over the next two weeks you will have stuff flooding back into your head. Something with be said or you will read something that will make the mind use the mental Rolodex and you will remember something you didn't remember at first. Let me know how your sleep habits are affected. If I did my job properly you should see a difference.

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