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CDC Confirms Patient In Dallas Has The Ebola Virus

Strictly Street

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Just watched part of the live CDC press conference from the White House. When was the last time you saw the CDC doing a press conference, on live tv, from the White House?

When was the last time a terrifying sounding disease has become a political lightning rod?

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soooo.... news is saying there might be a case in Washington DC... panic?


edit: oops, two people under observation in DC...

edit: one of the two in DC doesn't have ebola

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Science stuff, discusses indirect transfer of ebola from pigs to a primate: http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/121115/srep00811/full/srep00811.html

Kinda interesting. 


I get that the CDC is trying to make sure that the public doesn't panic, but I hope they also don't downplay the risk too much.


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Today's news says more or less 100 patients under observation across the country.

I think this is mostly the CDC's reaction to the Dallas screw-up.

Not really going to take any chances this week.


And government orders 160,000 hazmat suits...


edit: Dallas alone has 100 people under observation

maybe another 100 across the country


77 people have been denied boarding on aircraft in the recent days, for obvious symptoms of fever etc


quoting an infection control expert: "soap and water will wash it safely away, and bleach definitely kills it"

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Those weren't politicized.

sure they were


Google says 3,590,000 websites discuss bird flu and politicizing/politicized

518,000 for swine flu

226,000 for ebola

mumps and measles aren't exempt either...

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Preppers to the rescue! Here's what the survivalists are buying up currently:



I already have a gas mask and a 3M respirator, they can be handy. And two boxes of cheap general purpose flu masks... Why? mostly because if you needed one, you'd never find one in time... all sold out...


edit: should get a box of nitrile gloves and some more Clorox...


"as of Wednesday sales of a type of full-body protective suits were up 131,000 percent and sales for one type of mask had risen 18,000 percent in 24 hours," CNBC reports.
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Preppers to the rescue! Here's what the survivalists are buying up currently:


I already have a gas mask and a 3M respirator, they can be handy. And two boxes of cheap general purpose flu masks... Why? mostly because if you needed one, you'd never find one in time... all sold out...

edit: should get a box of nitrile gloves and some more Clorox...

Looks like I'm stopping by the paint shop at work Monday...

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Sneeze spittle can be transferred via the air when you sneeze.  To me that's airborn.

No. Airborn transfer is molecules in the air you breathe in and gets in your body from you lungs.

Actual substance like spit from the sneeze that is absorbed thru you eyes, mouth, nose. "Mucus Membrane" is not airborn transfer. To contract this you have to physically have contact with infected substance.

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CDC director: Travel ban could make Ebola outbreak worse



A travel ban to the countries facing an Ebola outbreak could paradoxically make the problem worse, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said during a Saturday press conference.


Frieden said the CDC would consider any and all precautions, but warned that a travel ban could make it harder to get medical care and aid workers to regions dealing with the outbreak.


He cited the recent delay African Union aid workers experienced trying to get to Liberia. "Their ability to get there was delayed by about a week because their flight was canceled and they were stuck in a neighboring country," he said.




Sure sounds funny to me. Isolate the patients but have free travel to and from the country?

Here is one answer to that.




Problem solved.


Edit: Added link.

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No. Airborn transfer is molecules in the air you breathe in and gets in your body from you lungs.

Actual substance like spit from the sneeze that is absorbed thru you eyes, mouth, nose. "Mucus Membrane" is not airborn transfer. To contract this you have to physically have contact with infected substance.


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Sneeze spittle can be transferred via the air when you sneeze. To me that's airborn.

That's because you don't understand what airborne means.

An airborne virus can live on its own without bodily fluids, suspended in the air for an extended amount of time.

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So my initial reaction to people like MT is "so they're walking around eating other people's shit?". But then I remember that we're talking about a third world country. Note the middle picture. These aren't toilets with sanitizer, soap, and water.....


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