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American Sniper


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No, true, you didn't, but the public absorbs movies more now as primary sources of reference. The Imitation Game was another movie recently that's outstanding, but has some important details wrong that'll confuse the crap out of people wanting to learn more from non-fiction sources.


What you say is accurate, since the gullible American public wants to be force-fed their daly dose of drama.  Unfortunately, the ENTIRE MEDIA MACHINE has been targeted at the lowest common denominator as far as viewer intelligence level.  True for movies, and even truer for what is purported to be news programs.  It's no longer simply news; it's a history-making event!!!


Case in point with respect to recent events:


--"White cop shoots UNARMED BLACK CHILD"….take your pick of which event.


--"Teenage Bonnie and Clyde on interstate crime spree" for sensationalism/glorification of petty crime vs the more realistic moniker of "Bevis and Butthead" or better yet, "Dumb and Dumber"


--"Officer Involved in Ferguson Shooting DODGES Charges Again" as opposed to "Is Not Indicted on Federal Charges"

Edited by Bubba
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I enjoyed the show though the predictable rants/monologues started getting tiresome near the end. Also, the unapologetic/completely oblivious one sidedness of their crusade was also regrettable, but I enjoy it the same way I enjoy daily show/colbert. What I would give to have reporting that mercilessly mocked the fallacies of both sides of the aisle, without agenda or funding concerns. Sort of like bbc top gear, other than their somewhat harmless bias towards British cars, they were almost fanatically fair towards all things fun.

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