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guiness blonde, a no-shit review

Gixxus Christ!

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If you're like me, you were excited for a new beer made by this old brewer. You expected it to be some delicious malty mouthgasm.

Don't be like me.

This is a $9 6 pack of mediocrity.

It's guiness by name only, and even the guiness stout you get here in the states is brewed in Canada from concentrate made in ireland.

The blonde is brewed in Latrobe pa...the city that sold out rolling rock to busch.

Head retention is nil. Almost no malt flavor. Overpowering cider notes from what I guess is rice or corn adjuncts. Hop notes are bitter and flat, almost no aroma. Very little hops flavor....

Overall it's an overpriced bud ice. If you care about how your beer tastes save your money.

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Good to see the ,blonde is no different that the Black Lager they put out last year. I had 1 bottle of that and thiought it was pure shite. Guiness as a whole is down near the bottom and living on name alone in the US, IMO. The stout is only good for Car Bombs. So many stouts that are so much more enjoyable.

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I bought a trial run 6pk of this stuff, and it's a decent beer if it isn't compared to other Guiness counterparts. I'm no connoisseur of brew, but I thought it wasn't too bad. I'm a bigger fan of Belgian wheat brews, never dug the knife and forkiness of stouts. But Sam is right, it's nothing special. This is purely a ploy by Guiness to reel in drinkers ( like me ) who dont typically buy their shit

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Wow. Touch a nerve?

No, you're just not funny. You're bringing nothing to the table. If you were at least witty or original it would be entertaining to me. I'm no beer snob, I'll drink natty ice or keystone light and smile while I do it, I just have a higher appreciation for beers with flavor. It's cool if you don't get it, it's not your thing...which begs the question: wtf are you doing here?

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No, you're just not funny. You're bringing nothing to the table. If you were at least witty or original it would be entertaining to me. I'm no beer snob, I'll drink natty ice or keystone light and smile while I do it, I just have a higher appreciation for beers with flavor. It's cool if you don't get it, it's not your thing...which begs the question: wtf are you doing here?


Something tells me you can't recognize a fucking joke when you read one.

Take your own advice, and lighten up Francis.

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