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Gun Control PSA Urges Teens to Commit Multiple Felonies


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Link:  http://theweek.com/article/index/274141/speedreads-gun-control-psa-urges-kids-to-steal-parents-guns-and-give-them-to-teachers



Quoted from Yahoo

The controversial Dec. 13 clip from Sleeper 13 Productions in San Francisco, titled “Stop Gun Violence - PSA,” shows a teenage boy take a handgun from his mother’s dresser drawer, stash it in his backpack, and bring it to class. Walking up to his teacher after the period ends, the student slaps the gun on her desk. “Can you take this away?” the child actor asks the shocked teacher. “I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.” Then the messages “Our children deserve a safe world” and “Stop gun violence now” are plastered onscreen before production credits run, notably lacking any sponsors or collaborating organizations.


The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms even put out a press release detailing the number of crimes depicted in the piece. “We’re talking about felony theft of a firearm, illegal possession of a handgun by a minor, having a gun in a school, illegal concealed carry by a minor, brandishing and maybe one or two other crimes, depending upon the jurisdiction,” wrote chairman Alan Gottlieb on Dec. 22. “… At the very least, the boy in this video would wind up being arrested and face felony charges.” As should the creator, Gottlieb continued: “The message of this video is so monumentally stupid that if any youth does something like this after watching it, the producers should face charges.”

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I can't wait to hear about a teacher getting busted for having a stolen handgun in a school. "I swear a student just gave it to me."

It's funny the anti gun crowd thinks finds are a bad idea but this is a good one. Proof darwinism doesn't work in today's society.

Edited by cOoTeR
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One of the dumbest things I have ever heard.


I can't believe none of them thought this through enough to prevent them from creating this add. 


At the very minimum... understood what would happen to the kid after bringing the gun to school. 


There is so much wrong with this vid I'm going to walk away out of frustration now. 

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Also, if this clip "urges" children to follow suit, what did all that sandy hook coverage urge them to do?

I think you may have missed the part about this being a PSA. What are you watching that reformats news like a PSA?

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luckily for everyone, i'm not really working this week.



Also, if this clip "urges" children to follow suit, what did all that sandy hook coverage urge them to do?


i'm sure you'll beg the question all the way to your point at some time in the near future, but tell me, as someone who advocates for education rather than legislation in matters like this, do you think the PSA offered good advice?  i think it offered really bad advice, and did so in many different ways,  but i want to know what you think.

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Let's spell it out for magdor....

The kid plays the protagonist in this little play. We can come to this conclusion by way of his actions in connection with the overall message of the psa.

We must assume that the protagonist in any psa serves to provide an example of what to do, ie: the just say no ads. The good kid, when offered that evil drug marijuana, says no and walks away. This is the behavior that the directors are trying to invoke in the youth at large.

By extension and following the base pattern of all public service announcements the protagonist in this video is to serve as an example of correct behavior for today's youth.

In summary: this video tells kids to steal guns and bring them to school.

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i'll translate for magdor:


magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor.....


magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor.


magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor, magdor: magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor, magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor, magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor.


magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor.


magdor magdor: magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor.

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I disagree with your conclusion.

You seem to believe this commercial is aimed at children, intending for them to emulate behavior.

Instead this spot is aimed at adults, explaining that while you may feel a gun makes you safe, other people may feel differently.

Personally, I agree with that sentiment. Having a firearm in my home wouldn't make me feel warm and fuzzy, it would be a source of constant concern.

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If this were aimed at parents it would rely on fear instead of instruction and show a much younger child accidentally killing his friend with daddy's revolver.

Your irrational fear of firearms has no bearing on the meaning of this video. If you were properly trained in the safe handling, use and storage of a gun it would not be a constant source of concern. It is your ignorance that breeds fear.

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Like jbot said. Except he left out troll troll troll troll, presuming magdor magdor magdor magdor self-implied it.

For those of us who have been down this path many times before, please, don't feed the troll. Actually I'm unsubscribing from the thread now just to avoid the temptation.

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Well you can't fix stupid. If you lack the basic sense of self preservation then that's that. I hope your never find yourself in a position where you have to defend your life. The feeling of regret will only last as long as you still have a pulse....so you've got that going for you....which is nice.

Edited by CrazySkullCrusher
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