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Gun Control PSA Urges Teens to Commit Multiple Felonies


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I disagree with your conclusion.

You seem to believe this commercial is aimed at children, intending for them to emulate behavior.

Instead this spot is aimed at adults, explaining that while you may feel a gun makes you safe, other people may feel differently.

Personally, I agree with that sentiment. Having a firearm in my home wouldn't make me feel warm and fuzzy, it would be a source of constant concern.


this PSA, as many PSA's do, served several purposes.  one of them was for adult propaganda as you described.  another way to view it is that it feeds on the school shootings, showing that this kid could easily have taken the gun and shot up a school instead of taking it to a teacher.  i'm actually surprised you saw it as the kid being afraid of the gun and not a emotional play on the school shootings.  no matter.  ultimately, the issue at hand that you time and time again fail to understand or are too intentionally obtuse to glean is this: if they really wanted to promote gun safety, they would not show a kid stealing a gun and taking it to school, thereby providing a horrifically awful example for gun safety; they would show the owner of the gun educating the kid or properly stowing the gun or the kid talking to the parent/owner, or any number of other ways that didn't involve stupid.  Instead, they decided that they would rather fart out yet more pure propaganda, which you lapped up so eagerly.  so disappointing .


on your last point, all the engineers i know (especially those who specialize in mechanical engineering) understand that mechanical objects don't pose any inherent risk from mere storage unless designed to operate without user input.  you would build and drive a car from semi-scratch, and hit triple digits on a motorcycle but you're afraid of an inert firearm in your home?  and yet you mock religious people for irrational beliefs... laughable.


Thousands are trained every year, and yet many people die from firearm accidents. The pro's will never outweigh the con's in my situation. There is nothing in my life worth killing over.


but what about your life?  or the life of your girlfriend/fiance/wife? what if you had a kid? would the life of your kid be worth killing to defend?

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Thousands are trained every year, and yet many people die from firearm accidents. The pro's will never outweigh the con's in my situation. There is nothing in my life worth killing over.

My wife carrying my unborn child and my daughter are. And I would do anything to protect them.

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It's not a fear of killing, it's a lack of desire to kill.

The off chance that something goes wrong, and someone ends up dead because I had an unnecessary deadly weapon laying around my house for no reason at all is simply not worth the risk. I don't need it, I don't want it, my home is less safe with a gun in it than without a gun in it.


Edited by magley64
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You are trying to convince us you have an aversion to killing. Clearly, you don't and you're just full of shit. I have an issue with you texting and driving. Statistics show you're a serious risk to the safety of those around you.

You ignorant fucking hypocrite.

I haven't killed anyone yet. Heck I haven't even crashed yet. If I do, then you can call me a hypocrite.

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Just speaking from a school perspective. If this kid brought this gun into our school he would be expelled. Regardless of intent. Like it or hate it, that would be the outcome at ANY school.

Not to mention arrested and charged with several felonies which is one of the main points of contention with this video. It's asinine and completely fucked.

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I haven't killed anyone yet. Heck I haven't even crashed yet. If I do, then you can call me a hypocrite.

Or...or....or you could change your behavior to PREVENT you from crashing or killing people. See, we gun owners aren't actively engaging in any behavior that puts people's lives at risk. We merely own or carry a tool. You on the other hand are a cunt.

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If you look at the majority of his posts you will see that he always takes an opposing view from the majority.  Me thinks it is so that he can stir the pot and make as many people upset as he possibly can.  This is either because he is a rabble rouser or an idiot.  I tend to lean toward the latter so not to offend him.  Now being an idiot is a lot like being dead.  Everyone  knows that they are but them.  So that being said, you should not argue with an idiot.  It is a lot like wrestling with a pig.  All you will do is get down in the mud and get covered with their sh_t and they like it.  They will just drag you down to their level and then beat you with their experience there.  I personally never make the mistake of arguing with someone whose opinions I have no respect for since they have no merit based in fact.  My suggestion would be to totally ignore any and all of their posts that have the purpose of creating an argument.  In this case, it would be the vast majority of them.  This is just IMHO

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If you look at the majority of his posts you will see that he always takes an opposing view from the majority. Me thinks it is so that he can stir the pot and make as many people upset as he possibly can. This is either because he is a rabble rouser or an idiot. I tend to lean toward the latter so not to offend him. Now being an idiot is a lot like being dead. Everyone knows that they are but them. So that being said, you should not argue with an idiot. It is a lot like wrestling with a pig. All you will do is get down in the mud and get covered with their sh_t and they like it. They will just drag you down to their level and then beat you with their experience there. I personally never make the mistake of arguing with someone whose opinions I have no respect for since they have no merit based in fact. My suggestion would be to totally ignore any and all of their posts that have the purpose of creating an argument. In this case, it would be the vast majority of them. This is just IMHO

Arguing with magdor is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good you are at chess. The pigeon will still knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and strut around victoriously.

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I am so amused by this thread...

It's not a fear of killing, it's a lack of desire to kill.

The off chance that something goes wrong, and someone ends up dead because I had an unnecessary deadly weapon laying around my house for no reason at all is simply not worth the risk. I don't need it, I don't want it, my home is less safe with a gun in it than without a gun in it.


Ummm no, sounds more like Fear. Which is a normal reaction of many parents.


Sure, but driving and texting both serve a purpose in my life. Guns don't.

Umm, sounds like no fear, when there should normally be a reasonable amount of fear of consequences.


But having read back and forth amongst this thread, I vote for rampant LSD flashbacks through out.

No other conclusion accounts for the incredible quantities of logical fallacies.


Carry On...

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Arguing with magdor is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good you are at chess. The pigeon will still knock all the pieces over, shit on the board and strut around victoriously.

Pretty good analogy there. Kind of reminds me of the statement…"what are you trying to do? Confuse me with the facts."

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If you look at the majority of his posts you will see that he always takes an opposing view from the majority.  Me thinks it is so that he can stir the pot and make as many people upset as he possibly can.


I'm gonna step up and defend Magz here….at least in defense of his unwavering liberal views.  The reason he doesn't go with the majority isn't simply due to a perverse inclination to argue--as far as I can tell from reading his posts, he's pretty much firm in his anti-gun/anti-conservative posts.  The fact that the majority of posters on OR are staunch gun rights advocates is the main reason he always seems to be espousing an opposing viewpoint.  He may be in the minority here, but he's got a right to his opinions, and he's stuck to them--blindly or not--in the face of ridicule and criticism on this forum.  I'm OK with him stating his case--that's what makes this an interesting world.

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nah, he claimed to be a staunch ron paul libertarian and then flip flopped to liberal, which is a big part of what drew much ire.  there were many other things like mocking the death of military heroes, stating that war vets deserve no recognition because they did it for a paycheck and benefits, and many other wonderful things i'm forgetting about.  he also used to claim to support gun rights even though he personally didn't like them, but he's given that up too.  truly, a man of principles and conviction.

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Or...or....or you could change your behavior to PREVENT you from crashing or killing people. See, we gun owners aren't actively engaging in any behavior that puts people's lives at risk. We merely own or carry a tool. You on the other hand are a cunt.

Speed kills more people than distracted drivers do, so check your mirrors.

Also, come out here and drive down my roads. If a 12 yr old can pilot a combine down these roads, I can manage to multitask without coming close to hitting anyone or anything in my camaro.

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When did i flip on gun rights? And I did vote for Ron Paul on the last 2 elections.



i'm getting ready to throw a little pizza party for my dudes here, so i don't have time to go searching for it, but i'm sure you're capable of doing an advanced search with you as the author and "gun rights" and check "show posts".  start from the earliest posts and work your way forward and i think the change will be apparent.  you've gone as far as responding with a "I can change my mind on these things" when we hashed this out before.  that is actually perfectly fine by me since you're at least dropping the false pretenses.

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there were many other things like mocking the death of military heroes, stating that war vets deserve no recognition because they did it for a paycheck and benefits...


I guess I missed these posts--haven't seen them.  While I don't agree with those opinions in ANY way, he appears to me to be unrelentingly liberal.


There was a time that I could have been swayed by Obama's rhetoric and I actually thought he might be good for this country, as much by becoming our first black president as for his diametrically opposed views of another 4-more-years-of-Bush-policy-as-usual that McCain was espousing.  That was before his election in '08.  As I've stated here previously, I believe now that Obama has done more to widen the black-white schism in this country than any other public figure in recent decades.

Edited by Bubba
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Speed kills more people than distracted drivers do, so check your mirrors.

Also, come out here and drive down my roads. If a 12 yr old can pilot a combine down these roads, I can manage to multitask without coming close to hitting anyone or anything in my camaro.

1: way to deflect instead of actually addressing my statement. That's usually what people do when they can't refute something.

2: you're wrong, distracted driving is the #1 cause of accidents so suck it.


3: you're a selfish prick for driving and texting and claiming that it's ok for you to do it because = reasons is bullshit.

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