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Suggest a nightstand safe


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This is exactly why so many kids die.

No so many kids die because of shitty parenting and our fucked up institution of mental health in our country. Do you really fucking think adam Lanza would have been walking around 30 or 40 years ago? No he would have been in the fucking looney bin.

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No so many kids die because of shitty parenting and our fucked up institution of mental health in our country. Do you really fucking think adam Lanza would have been walking around 30 or 40 years ago? No he would have been in the fucking looney bin.



Your example of your dad's firearm training would make most kids more curious, and still unprepared.  There is no substitute for PROPER training.


Children are a million times more capable of getting into mischief, than their parents give them credit for.  Even if the child is only an infant, do you never have guests with older children over?


Mental health issues and shitty parenting are huge issues as well.  


I just don't want unsecured firearms in a house with kids.

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Your example of your dad's firearm training would make most kids more curious, and still unprepared.  There is no substitute for PROPER training.


Children are a million times more capable of getting into mischief, than their parents give them credit for.  Even if the child is only an infant, do you never have guests with older children over?


Mental health issues and shitty parenting are huge issues as well.  


I just don't want unsecured firearms in a house with kids.

Can you please point out where I ever siad I had an unsecured firearm? I'm sure as my kid ages I'll possibly rethink my thoughts on it but as of right now, trigger lock on shotgun everything else is in a locker. If I don't think she is responsible or mature enough to keep my current set up I'll simply move my locker into the closet in the bedroom and keep everything locked up tight. But as of right now I feel secure with a trigger lock and the safe in the basement.

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Can you please point out where I ever siad I had an unsecured firearm? I'm sure as my kid ages I'll possibly rethink my thoughts on it but as of right now, trigger lock on shotgun everything else is in a locker. If I don't think she is responsible or mature enough to keep my current set up I'll simply move my locker into the closet in the bedroom and keep everything locked up tight. But as of right now I feel secure with a trigger lock and the safe in the basement.

My bad.  I made too many assumptions.


I had two friends that were in an accidental shooting, when we were 10.  Their parents thought the the guns were hidden.  That is one reason I take this personally.

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Everyone's house and situation is different. That's why each family needs a readyness plan that most efficiently removes them from immediate danger.

My son's room is right next to mine. He has two options, depending on the situation. He knows what to do. That leaves me the freedom to do what I may need to do, without taking focus off the immediate threat to my family.

Also, my dog will let me know if the intruder(s) is armed. When Brewser attacks, if I hear gunfire, I will have a better understanding of the situation downstairs. If my dog can keep the intruder busy, even if it costs him his life, that is what he is here to do and gives me more time to get my family to safety. However that happens.


OK.....now I agree 100% with you, neither situation of securing or not securing should be mandated or advised for everyone. My Son for example has been around firearms and shooting his whole life, so there is ZERO curiosity and the whole "hey look at my cool guns" to any of his friends. His friends think I am nuts anyways, so that in itself is a good problem to have . LOL Seriously though.......we each just have to take the situation at hand and make the best overall decision possible, so fully securing firearms in most homes is likely good common sense. No doubt that with all of the realistic shoot em up video games out there, the curiosity and ignorance level is at an all time high.

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For those of you that use a safe, surely you have a round in the chamber ready to go?

Absolutely ! Anything other would be really really dumb ! At least for me and my situation. For some, having to rack it to put one in the tube works for them. For others, having to slam a mag up and then rack it is their idea of safe. Might as well keep the unloaded mags away from the gun....load the mag, slam it up and then rack it after retrieving everything from the gun safe in the closet. jeeze, why even have one in the house...oh yea, just ask the intruder to wait a moment while you get your gun. I sure they would be understanding and oblige you.

Edited by myhondas
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Absolutely ! Anything other would be really really dumb ! At least for me and my situation. For some, having to rack it to put one in the tube works for them. For others, having to slam a mag up and then rack it is their idea of safe. Might as well keep the unloaded mags away from the gun....load the mag, slam it up and then rack it after retrieving everything from the gun safe in the closet. jeeze, why even have one in the house...oh yea, just ask the intruder to wait a moment while you get your gun. I sure they would be understanding and oblige you.


I was curious, because I know a few guys that carry concealed without a round chambered. I told them they might as well carry a knife instead, to each their own I reckon. :) If any of my boomsticks are out of my gun cabinet, you can be sure they each have a round chambered.

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Israeli draw, ftl.


We're not using crappy cheapest contractor weapons, well unless you have a hipoint or a jennings or a raven. My ruger ccw is always round in the chamber.


I've seen even a glock fly out of some guys pants, smack the ground and not go off and he had a round chambered. omg a glock that didn't ad/nd

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Here's another idea, but this one's on topic.

I really like the concealment furniture concept vs a gun vault just stashed in a night stand drawer or under a bed. Thieves, and most kids, can likely identify a pistol safe/vault when they find one, whether it houses a weapon or jewelry - they know something in it is of value enough to protect, so it's simply a matter of getting it open at that point. And for a thief, they're easy enough to just take and bust into later at their own convenience.

But hiding weapons in plain sight has the advantage of disguise by being completely inconspicuous to anyone unknowing.

Afterall, what thief would steal a night stand? What kid cares enough about furniture to examine it's every seam and structure? These are pricier than pistol safes, but there again you are getting 2 benefits in that the gun is completely hidden away, yet it can be quickly accessed in a midnight hurry.

Bear Arms concealment furniture makes this night stand and coffee table - there are several types of concealment furniture, but these are what I found on a quick search.



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only problem i see with those is you have to use a key to unlock it. I can just see myself fumbling with a key in the dark trying to unlock it to get to the gun. there are some nice hidden gunsafes out there but i have yet to find one that will give you quick access like the gunvaults do and still be a piece of nice furniture.





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Sure... I'm going to regret this, but what the hell.

Why is it difficult to wield a key in the dark?

Visibility? Too groggy for fine motor skills? Inability to determine where the key is, or where the tumbler for that key happens to be?

If the answer to any of these is "yes", then why would you grab a loaded pistol? Why take the chance of hurting a family member before you're in control of your faculties? If you can't aim a key properly, you shouldn't be aiming a gun.

Like I said before, you're more likely to shoot a family member than you are an intruder. Where is your family when you grab that gun? Do you know where they are? Do they have appropriate instruction on where to be, and when? Do you have enough information to be comfortable firing that weapon in the house?

If so, then fire at will. If there is any doubt, then maybe a little more strategy should be developed and implemented.

Why regret that IP, I think it's a good post.  And I as well as MT(toolshed) agree, even if to a point, but yes, agree.  If you can't handle a key or fine motor skills, grabbing a loaded gun isn't the best thing to do right away.  I keep my guns far enough away that I have to actually know that I am going to get them, key/code in, and get it.  I want that time to wake up and be alert, and have found that I believe it to be a smart idea.  Im a light sleeper but I still wouldn't want to chance that. 

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Me too, and we're all really just talking about Risk Management.  For example in my own case, my guns get locked up the moment any alcohol is opened in my house, also with any medications that could cause impairment of judgement.  I also only own home and personal defense weapons that either have a longer draw, a safety, don't have a round chambered or have a lock around them.  Those are more controls than many others would prefer, and not enough for others, but they fit my own risk tolerance model well.

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Whatever. Each to his own. I'll keep my gunvault that holds a ready to go 45(*) + extra mags and high intensity flashlight while you fumble for the key and hopefully insert it and unlock your drawer and then retrieve your gun.  I sure hope that you don't drop it in the dark and then have to fumble around to find it.  Adrenalin flowing you will find that handling that key will not be as easy as you think it will.  It is obvious you have never had a break-in.  I have and at that time I did not have a weapon close at hand. Our only saving grace was that they didn't come upstairs where we were sleeping.  Since then, I have had a alarm system installed, and I have the gun close at hand (safely locked in the vault which is bolted down) and have practiced middle of the night access of all.


(*) XDs 45 with Tru-Glow Tritium Night sights and Crimson Trace Laser, loaded with Black Talons.

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Not all break ins or attacks are occurring at night while you sleep or while the house is dark, so where is your loaded and ready to go pistol or shotgun when they break through the door ar simply try to attack upon forced entry? More and more attacks and break ins are occurring in broad daylight and or when they know somebody is home, or when you simply answer the door not knowing what to expect. Heck somebody could just walk in my home during the day when I am home, not like I have my house on lockdown, especially when nice outside. I have a weapon where I sit in the living room, also one in the kitchen and one in my office. Fully accessible and very quickly if not already on my person, that is why I kind of like that coffee table vault. My family and living situation allows me to safely have weapons available quickly, but I know many are not that fortunate or maybe willing to do that. Real important that you have safe and quick access to a weapon for where you spend most or much of your time.

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Not all break ins or attacks are occurring at night while you sleep or while the house is dark, so where is your loaded and ready to go pistol or shotgun when they break through the door ar simply try to attack upon forced entry? More and more attacks and break ins are occurring in broad daylight and or when they know somebody is home, or when you simply answer the door not knowing what to expect. Heck somebody could just walk in my home during the day when I am home, not like I have my house on lockdown, especially when nice outside. I have a weapon where I sit in the living room, also one in the kitchen and one in my office. Fully accessible and very quickly if not already on my person, that is why I kind of like that coffee table vault. My family and living situation allows me to safely have weapons available quickly, but I know many are not that fortunate or maybe willing to do that. Real important that you have safe and quick access to a weapon for where you spend most or much of your time.


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