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The first ever College Football Playoff National Championsip Game

Mr Anderson

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When the confetti settles who will be in the history books? The very first ever College Football Playoff National Championship Game - Oregon vs. Ohio State. Monday at 8:30pm est on ESPN.


A matchup of stats

Total Offense

Oregon 2nd - Ohio State 4th


Passing Yards

Oregon 5th - Ohio State 31st 


Rushing Yards

Oregon 12th - Ohio State 7th


Total Defense

Oregon 102nd - Ohio State 29th


Pass Defense

Oregon 120th - Ohio State 36th


Rush Defense

Oregon 66th - Ohio State 45th



Oregon 54th (tied) - Ohio State 4th


Points per game

Oregon 2nd - Ohio State 5th


Points Against

Oregon 27th - Ohio State 26th


Urban Meyer when being an underdog is 5-0


While that being said I am proud The Ohio State Buckeyes made it this far. Go Bucks.

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Yup I too am very proud as well, proved without a doubt they deserve to be there. Trying to be an unbiased Buckeye fan, but I believe they will win the game, I would imagine they are in Oregon's head quite a bit right now. The Ducks have most of the pressure on them to win because they are supposed to win, if OSU can pull this off it will be one for the ages in many aspects. :)

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Yup I too am very proud as well, proved without a doubt they deserve to be there. Trying to be an unbiased Buckeye fan, but I believe they will win the game, I would imagine they are in Oregon's head quite a bit right now. The Ducks have most of the pressure on them to win because they are supposed to win, if OSU can pull this off it will be one for the ages in many aspects. :)

Its going to be a great game. Oregon does not have their top 2 wide recievers so should be interesting.

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The Buckeyes shouldn't be at this point. Not a hater, just think they're a year ahead of schedule. So, I've doubted they would win either of the last two games. This allowed me to watch in a relaxed way and be pleasantly surprised.

Still not expecting a win, but want it to at least be close. So far, they've won the Big 10 and beaten the SEC Champion. That's a helluva good season!

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Ohio State will choke like they always do.

Different coach and a better coach.


The Buckeyes shouldn't be at this point. Not a hater, just think they're a year ahead of schedule. So, I've doubted they would win either of the last two games. This allowed me to watch in a relaxed way and be pleasantly surprised.

Still not expecting a win, but want it to at least be close. So far, they've won the Big 10 and beaten the SEC Champion. That's a helluva good season!

Urban did say it would be a year or two away. Either way I'm proud the buckeyes made it this far.

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Ohio State will choke like they always do.


Yeah just like they choked against Alabama huh? This team does not choke and neither does Coach Meyer, and what they have accomplished this season so far is amazing. So if they lose it will not be due to choking, it will be due to being beat by the better team......that is why we have a championship play off now. ;)

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We made the play offs, beat the number one seed, all after dropping 2 heisman candidate qbs. I'd say we are beyond choking and losing... Winning would be just icing on an already excellent cake.

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What position do you play?

Ok before "we" go further, I need to know if you're just trolling for shits and giggles and won't take anything I say personally, or if you're actually some butt hurt old man who hates sports or the buckeyes or people on your lawn or whatever else. So what's the deal? You trolling or you being a pissy old dick butt?

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What position do you play?

That always gets me a little bit when people are bragging about how good "we" did. I'm always thinking, I wonder if they think yelling at the tv from their sofaes them part of the team or something. I heard some lady at Kroger practically yelling about how "we" just won even though we had our 3rd string quarterback. I don't share the same sense of pride in a football win bc I know I have literally had nothing to do with it. On that note though, I do hope they win bc I dislike how bummed out people get when they lose. More than anything, I hope it's a good game. I appreciate the entertainment of watching a competitive game more than walking away with a win.

Jbot, I'm getting cranky old man vibe from earache :) although it appears I'm also giving that same vibe off.

Edited by OsuMj
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Ok before "we" go further, I need to know if you're just trolling for shits and giggles and won't take anything I say personally, or if you're actually some butt hurt old man who hates sports or the buckeyes or people on your lawn or whatever else. So what's the deal? You trolling or you being a pissy old dick butt?



Although I don't like OSU, my butt feels fine and my lawn is far from perfect, so feel free to walk all over it. Don't care who wins really, just noting OSU's propensity for choking in any sport, any playoff game.


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That always gets me a little bit when people are bragging about how good "we" did. I'm always thinking, I wonder if they think yelling at the tv from their sofaes them part of the team or something. I heard some lady at Kroger practically yelling about how "we" just won even though we had our 3rd string quarterback. I don't share the same sense of pride in a football win bc I know I have literally had nothing to do with it. On that note though, I do hope they win bc I dislike how bummed out people get when they lose. More than anything, I hope it's a good game. I appreciate the entertainment of watching a competitive game more than walking away with a win.

Jbot, I'm getting cranky old man vibe from earache :) although it appears I'm also giving that same vibe off.


I can see you and earache's (and i'm sure many other people) point of view on it.  I also think it's somewhat arguing semantics and taking things a little too literally considering what it is, which is harmless team spirit and pride for something they are a part, even if in the smallest of ways... whether it's because they're alumni, a resident of columbus, or ohio, or even because they have family that live in Ohio, or they live in a Big Ten college area, or whatever remote connection imaginable.  I don't think people are claiming any responsibility for the win, I think they're basking in the reflected glory.  We do it during Olympics, World Cups, or even something small like a family member graduating or getting married.  People get enthusiastic and proud for things that they had little to no impact on all the time, and being proud of your school making it to the finals despite many set backs is no different.


Although I don't like OSU, my butt feels fine and my lawn is far from perfect, so feel free to walk all over it. Don't care who wins really, just noting OSU's propensity for choking in any sport, any playoff game.


Ok, I just wanted to make sure this was harmless trolling around.


Now that we know where everyone stands, we can go back to having fun: I don't understand hating a school in some of the same ways you don't understand why anyone would identify with a school. Like i mentioned above, I can concede that it's a fair point that no, the vast majority of proud fans did nothing directly to aid the team in whatever success they had... but on the other hand, what part did OSU play in your life to earn your ire?  Did Brutus Buckeye seduce you in a bar and Cosby you in a nearby hotel, buckeyes deep, no lube?  Is your name Inigo Montoya, and the OSU marching band killed your father, and they must now prepare to die? In short, I'm trying to understand why it's not total hypocrisy to tout the relative non-involvement of fans being irrelevant to OSU football, and at the same time, toot your bitter sad little horn of hatred of OSU anything for a team that has had zero direct involvement in your life.  At least we have the excuse of being merely guilty of silly enthusiasm and petty team/regional loyalties.  what excuse do you have for being a dick butt?

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Just like a friend down here from Columbus, a guy who is a huge buckeye fan ( and longtime Columbus resident) said, "Ohio didn't earn a #4 ranking".  I agree.  That being said, since then they have done very well.  But this Oregon team is proving to be a defenses' nightmare.  I expect the Ducks to win.

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  what excuse do you have for being a dick butt?



Why do I need an excuse? I've perfected the manly art of dick buttism. I'm vaguely surprised that an offshoot of dick buttism hasn't been named after me yet. But I digress...


I went to Upper Arlington High School back before you were born and had to put up with so many OSU (or the Arlington Annex as we referred to it) fans that it turned me against the place. Blind devotion to a school that didn't deserve it, I thought.

And then I went an graduated from OU and moved out of Ohio. People would often ask where I went to school and after replying "Ohio University" all  I ever got back was "The Buckeyes?". Yeah. That's the place. Easier to agree with the ignoramus' than try to explain to them.

But ya wanna talk about shit athletics? Let's talk OU <ggg>.

I even enrolled at Ohio State and took one math class over a summer, transferring the credit to OU after I bombed Differential Equations there. OU accepted the credit and it was easier to OSU than OU. Does that, by definition, make me an OSU Alumni? Hope not.


Anyway, my hatred for them is no different than your love for them, just different points on the line.

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