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1 in 100,000 will die from cervical cancer. 1 in 10,000 will die from complications from guardisil. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? No


Wrong.  Where are you getting your data Jason?  Guardisil was approved in 2006.  As of June 2008, 23 million doses of HPV vaccine had been administered, and as of Spring 2013, more than 56 million doses of HPV vaccine had been given in the United States, which is 1/6th of the population and roughly 9 million a year based on CDC data.  Based on your numbers, that means that 5,600 people must have died as a result of the vaccine, which is total bullshit.  In fact, even the most ardent of Guardisil critics cite 10 deaths associated with the vaccine, and that's roughly 1 in 5 million.  Even the CDC conservatively says at worst it's 1 in 1 million, which is still 10x safer than the cervical cancer rate you cited, which is a also a questionable stat because every year about 12,900 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed and about 4,100 women will die from cervical cancer.  That doesn't even include HPV-caused larangeal cancers.  So, while 10 kids may have died as a direct result of HPV vaccine since 2006, 32,000 woman have died from cervical cancer.  That means your daughter has a 3200x risk of cervical cancer than dying from the HPV vaccine.  Do the risks outweight the benefits.  Yell yes they do, by a vast, vast margin.


Dude, seriously, it's lies, damned lies and made-up statistics like yours that cause people to ignore science and put the public at risk.


Here's the deal: we literally could eradicate cervical and HPV-related cancers in our lifetime.  That's everyone's sons, daughters and grand-kids.  That is, unless we take the advice of celebrities, made-up stats and internet parrots.

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1 in 100,000 will die from cervical cancer. 1 in 10,000 will die from complications from guardisil. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? No


Try again.





Edited by fizzer
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Wrong. Where are you getting your data Jason? Guardisil was approved in 2006. As of June 2008, 23 million doses of HPV vaccine had been administered, and as of Spring 2013, more than 56 million doses of HPV vaccine had been given in the United States, which is 1/6th of the population and roughly 9 million a year based on CDC data. Based on your numbers, that means that 5,600 people must have died as a result of the vaccine, which is total bullshit. In fact, even the most ardent of Guardisil critics cite 10 deaths associated with the vaccine, and that's roughly 1 in 5 million. Even the CDC conservatively says at worst it's 1 in 1 million, which is still 10x safer than the cervical cancer rate you cited, which is a also a questionable stat because every year about 12,900 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed and about 4,100 women will die from cervical cancer. That doesn't even include HPV-caused larangeal cancers. So, while 10 kids may have died as a direct result of HPV vaccine since 2006, 32,000 woman have died from cervical cancer. That means your daughter has a 3200x risk of cervical cancer than dying from the HPV vaccine. Do the risks outweight the benefits. Yell yes they do, by a vast, vast margin.

Dude, seriously, it's lies, damned lies and made-up statistics like yours that cause people to ignore science and put the public at risk.

Here's the deal: we literally could eradicate cervical and HPV-related cancers in our lifetime. That's everyone's sons, daughters and grand-kids. That is, unless we take the advice of celebrities, made-up stats and internet parrots.

(Thunderous applause)

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Wrong.  Where are you getting your data Jason?  Guardisil was approved in 2006.  As of June 2008, 23 million doses of HPV vaccine had been administered, and as of Spring 2013, more than 56 million doses of HPV vaccine had been given in the United States, which is 1/6th of the population and roughly 9 million a year based on CDC data.  Based on your numbers, that means that 5,600 people must have died as a result of the vaccine, which is total bullshit.  In fact, even the most ardent of Guardisil critics cite 10 deaths associated with the vaccine, and that's roughly 1 in 5 million.  Even the CDC conservatively says at worst it's 1 in 1 million, which is still 10x safer than the cervical cancer rate you cited, which is a also a questionable stat because every year about 12,900 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed and about 4,100 women will die from cervical cancer.  That doesn't even include HPV-caused larangeal cancers.  So, while 10 kids may have died as a direct result of HPV vaccine since 2006, 32,000 woman have died from cervical cancer.  That means your daughter has a 3200x risk of cervical cancer than dying from the HPV vaccine.  Do the risks outweight the benefits.  Yell yes they do, by a vast, vast margin.


Dude, seriously, it's lies, damned lies and made-up statistics like yours that cause people to ignore science and put the public at risk.


Here's the deal: we literally could eradicate cervical and HPV-related cancers in our lifetime.  That's everyone's sons, daughters and grand-kids.  That is, unless we take the advice of celebrities, made-up stats and internet parrots.

Wrong.  Where are you getting your data Jason?  Guardisil was approved in 2006.  As of June 2008, 23 million doses of HPV vaccine had been administered, and as of Spring 2013, more than 56 million doses of HPV vaccine had been given in the United States, which is 1/6th of the population and roughly 9 million a year based on CDC data.  Based on your numbers, that means that 5,600 people must have died as a result of the vaccine, which is total bullshit.  In fact, even the most ardent of Guardisil critics cite 10 deaths associated with the vaccine, and that's roughly 1 in 5 million.  Even the CDC conservatively says at worst it's 1 in 1 million, which is still 10x safer than the cervical cancer rate you cited, which is a also a questionable stat because every year about 12,900 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed and about 4,100 women will die from cervical cancer.  That doesn't even include HPV-caused larangeal cancers.  So, while 10 kids may have died as a direct result of HPV vaccine since 2006, 32,000 woman have died from cervical cancer.  That means your daughter has a 3200x risk of cervical cancer than dying from the HPV vaccine.  Do the risks outweight the benefits.  Yell yes they do, by a vast, vast margin.


Dude, seriously, it's lies, damned lies and made-up statistics like yours that cause people to ignore science and put the public at risk.


Here's the deal: we literally could eradicate cervical and HPV-related cancers in our lifetime.  That's everyone's sons, daughters and grand-kids.  That is, unless we take the advice of celebrities, made-up stats and internet parrots.

Same place VulcanRider got his from. Facebook, but I guess I'm the one who really wins because you spent time out of your day trying to show my post was wrong. Lol.

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Facebook, but I guess I'm the one who really wins because you spent time out of your day trying to show my post was wrong. Lol.


So, you're saying you're not only a troll, but a joyous, mocking, punk-you kind of a troll.


That's classy, son, classy indeed.

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Some schools ban certain things due to allergies yet kids who aren't vaccinated nobody gives a shit about. I can't send my kid to school with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yet you can send your kid to school with measles, it's amazing how that works.

I am pretty sure most people understand the concept of a smart ass remark.  Nothing was cited as fact even though nothing in that statement is false.  I did not put out any numbers or figures or anything else like that.  It was a simple smart ass remark.


Actually 99.9999% of schools won't let a child enroll unless they have vaccine records. Take your Facebook photo knowledge elsewhere.

Complete and total bullshit statistic attempted to be passed off as fact.


1 in 100,000 will die from cervical cancer. 1 in 10,000 will die from complications from guardisil. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? No


Another complete and total bullshit statistic being passed off as a fact.


Same place VulcanRider got his from. Facebook, but I guess I'm the one who really wins because you spent time out of your day trying to show my post was wrong. Lol.

Your "oh shit" moment where you realize you look like a jackass and everyone but you understood i was making a smart ass remark and you will continue to be called out on your bullshit.



Last ditch effort to show you kind of know what you are talking about

Like I said. I get my information from Facebook memes. Facebook memes from websites funded by Alex Jones.

Since that didn't work, last ditch effort at pretending the whole thing was a joke and you were trolling people for fun.




Here ya go I found this on facebook for you.



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I am pretty sure most people understand the concept of a smart ass remark.  Nothing was cited as fact even though nothing in that statement is false.  I did not put out any numbers or figures or anything else like that.  It was a simple smart ass remark.


Complete and total bullshit statistic attempted to be passed off as fact.


Another complete and total bullshit statistic being passed off as a fact.


Your "oh shit" moment where you realize you look like a jackass and everyone but you understood i was making a smart ass remark and you will continue to be called out on your bullshit.



Last ditch effort to show you kind of know what you are talking about

Since that didn't work, last ditch effort at pretending the whole thing was a joke and you were trolling people for fun.




Here ya go I found this on facebook for you.



OK Matthew, if you insist. I do gotta say I miss the old days of the internet. I can find the exact Facebook meme you were referencing about the allergens in about 15 seconds, if you would really like me to.

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Forbes Magazine now has an interesting take on the topic and contains additional, damning stats I was unaware of: http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2015/01/28/measles-is-spreading-and-kids-might-die-sue-parents-who-didnt-vaccinate-absolutely/

Which I think is pretty surprising, given the magazine's fiscal conservatism that often runs parallel to the very religious and constitutional self-determination that swelled anti-vax opt-outs.

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Factcheck.org article about Rand Paul's foot-in-mouth moment: http://www.factcheck.org/2015/02/paul-repeats-baseless-vaccine-claims/

Read it. It should be a wake-up call to anyone thinking about voting for him, or accepting medical advice from him for that matter.

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Rand paul is trying to be a diet version of his dad, the problem with that is the establishment republicans see him as still too kooky, and hardcore fans of his father see him as half hearted at best, and fraudulent at worst.

Edited by magley64
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Rand paul is trying to be a diet version of his dad, the problem with that is the establishment republicans see him as still too kooky, and hardcore fans of his father see him as half hearted at best, and fraudulent at worst.

Well the worlds gonna end soon mags said something sensible.

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