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Desertion is the charge!!!!


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Well that piece of shit deserter Bowe Bergdahl is hopefully gonna get what's coming to him, which will be life in prison. Good on the top Army officials for not caving in to political correctness and bowing down to King Obama and his subjects. Personally I think he should be put to death if found guilty, especially considering 6 soldiers died looking for him and our KING let loose 5 really really bad guys in exchange for him. He will have a rough time in prison "if guilty", will likely need to be under constant suicide watch and under protection due to other prisoners wanting to kill him.

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I'll admit that I don't really know much about this case.  That's my fault - I haven't followed it very well.


I was aghast when I found out we traded suspected terrorists, lost good men in a rescue, that he deserted his post to begin with and that he was heralded at the WH.  I've heard some say that Obama nefariously and cynically traded him out of bias against true 'Mericans but I more think it's incompetence, misinformation and/or opportunistic politics.  i.e. I'm not sure the Army is without blame either - it's possible there was an initial reaction to save an American's life and avoid another beheading then the whole thing unraveled once the rescue was committed.


But like I said, I don't know the whole story, only emotional analysis from media talking heads at this point.

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Charged, not convicted. Waiting for the conclusion of his due process before commenting further.


In an ultra-conservative gun forum I visit, that kind of talk will get you banned.  Guess how I know ;-)

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I made that clear I thought? Well the Army charged him, so that says allot in my book.

That's how I feel as well and I bet he does a lot of time. Too bad it'll be on top of what he claims was torture at Taliban hands, but if he did desert, that was a consequence he had to know was possible.

It's just that some folks elsewhere (older generation, far-right ex-soldiers) took an immediate position that he should be left to rot in Leavenworth for desertion or hung for treason. I think that would have been like lynching a Ferguson cop before the investigation was over.

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That's how I feel as well and I bet he does a lot of time. Too bad it'll be on top of what he claims was torture at Taliban hands, but if he did desert, that was a consequence he had to know was possible.

It's just that some folks elsewhere (older generation, far-right ex-soldiers) took an immediate position that he should be left to rot in Leavenworth for desertion or hung for treason. I think that would have been like lynching a Ferguson cop before the investigation was over.


Emotions run high when it comes to law enforcement and especially active duty and veterans, and when you take the "oath" there are more that take it seriously than do not. We all have a tendency to jump to conclusions and assume things, but sometimes things are also very much as they appear to be, especially when there are those that were/are "credible" and witnessed it all.

Edited by Pokey
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