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It's official, Rand Paul is running


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I doubt if she will even get the nomination.


Anyone under the age of 30 has no idea who she is except maybe her husband got a bj from a fat chick.


I'm guessing any candidate can win without the under 30 vote.  American youth are extremely apathetic when it comes to politics.  Some may shout loudly, but look at the voting stats after Puff Daddy's "Vote or Die!" campaign.  It's pretty sickening.

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You do know she was secretary of state, right? Millennials might not remember her as first lady, but anyone paying attention to politics knows who the secretary of state is.

People can't even name our VP. You think they know who the secretary of state is?

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People can't even name our VP. You think they know who the secretary of state is?

My point was that she isn't a "nobody". If you're paying attention to politics, she's fairly prominent. She isn't Herman Cain.

Edited by magley64
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Calling Hillary a cunt denigrates the real cunts of the world. She is worse....God forbid she gets elected...but in this country with our dumbfuck voters....she has a chance.......

Right now, today, only Rand Paul would get my vote. I know part of it tends be his sometimes smart ass answers to questions.....something I can relate to......

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Hoping not to start a flame fest - just an innocent question - why not Rubio? He interviews well, seems pragmatic about immigration, doesn't have Bush's family baggage. His trick is appealing to minorities while also not alienating the pasty white party "natives."

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Hoping not to start a flame fest - just an innocent question - why not Rubio? He interviews well, seems pragmatic about immigration, doesn't have Bush's family baggage. His trick is appealing to minorities while also not alienating the pasty white party "natives."

They're all idiots, but after the ISIS/Iran session, Rubio strikes me as a low double digit IQ idiot.

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Hoping not to start a flame fest - just an innocent question - why not Rubio? He interviews well, seems pragmatic about immigration, doesn't have Bush's family baggage. His trick is appealing to minorities while also not alienating the pasty white party "natives."

I also do not want anymore rino's, but last I heard about Rubio's immigration beliefs were ones I do not believe in.  Maybe he's changed now, to gain more popularity.


Like the last Prez election, one would think that possibly the Rep's had figured out the Dem's were beatable and would forge a gameplan to take them down.  But they didn't then, so I hold little hope the party will ever figure it out.  Instead of creating policy, they tend to 'react' to the Dems so they seem to be a step behind all the time.

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