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Sitter Needed


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Well the search is on for a new sitter. Apparently mine decided to go off the deep end and get all weird on us. Not sure we still want her to watch our kids. Let me think, we are sure we don't want her to watch our kids, that's why we are looking for a new one. We are looking in Marysville, Plain City, or Dublin. Would like an in-home provider that you would recommend. Think to yourself first, would I send my kid to this persons house? If yes I would like their info. If no, forget about it and pretend I never asked. Obviously this is a big decision for us leaving our kids a someone's house, so we want to feel comfortable with them. Picking someone off of the inter web is kinda out. Too many goof ball/ whack jobs out there. It has gotten to the point where the wife has put in her 2 weeks at work and will stay home if we do not find anyone. I appreciate any feed back on any potential sitters out there you may know. Pm me the info if you do not want to post it publicly.


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How old are the kiddos? Why not go the real daycare route? We are at $55 a day where we send our kid. we only send 2 days a week but if you send 5 days you only pay for 4. Everything but diapers and wipes included. They also include discounts for multiple kids. Then you also have the whole tax credit thing that is a lot easier to prove should you ever get audited an its a real business rather than a sitter.

Just my 2¢

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Find one that accepts title 20, as they get supplemented funding from the state. The way I look at it is, I'm already paying for these taxes and even though we are not using title 20 funding we might as well reap the benefits such as them providing formula and all meals.

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Find one that accepts title 20, as they get supplemented funding from the state. The way I look at it is, I'm already paying for these taxes and even though we are not using title 20 funding we might as well reap the benefits such as them providing formula and all meals.

I'll pass. I work in an area where I see the signs that they are a title 20 sitter and...... Not interested.

Thanks though

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After our experience with a facility we will never go to one again, no matter how nice.  But that's just us.


Anyways, let me talk to my sitter, I know SHE can't take your kids(sorry) but I bet she knows some other really good ones.  We're super close with her, she and her kids come to most of our children's functions, and we always have play dates, pool dates with us there, and I know she would NEVER recommend someone she wouldn't trust with her kids.


The only reason I say she can't handle anymore is we have twins coming and Luke will only be 22 months when they arrive, plus she has another girl full time that will be about 16 months then, and a part time girl that I think comes for like 6 hrs twice a week but she may drop her I believe.


But I will ask tonight if she has anyone she would recommend. 

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After our experience with a facility we will never go to one again, no matter how nice. But that's just us.

Anyways, let me talk to my sitter, I know SHE can't take your kids(sorry) but I bet she knows some other really good ones. We're super close with her, she and her kids come to most of our children's functions, and we always have play dates, pool dates with us there, and I know she would NEVER recommend someone she wouldn't trust with her kids.

The only reason I say she can't handle anymore is we have twins coming and Luke will only be 22 months when they arrive, plus she has another girl full time that will be about 16 months then, and a part time girl that I think comes for like 6 hrs twice a week but she may drop her I believe.

But I will ask tonight if she has anyone she would recommend.

I appreciate it!

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Ugh, sorry dude, all her contacts are south of Cbus because they moved here a few years ago and she doesn't have sitter contacts up here. I asked her to keep her ears open tho, but explained it would only be someone she would recommend.

Thank you, I appreciate it!
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