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Speeding tickets.


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On roads with a speed limit of 55 or higher, points are only assessed if you are more than 10 MPH over the posted speed limit.  You can still be ticketed, but you will not get points.  This is why I limit my highway speed to +9.

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On roads with a speed limit of 55 or higher, points are only assessed if you are more than 10 MPH over the posted speed limit. You can still be ticketed, but you will not get points. This is why I limit my highway speed to +9.

That is very good to know. I can pay money all day, I only have so many points to lose though lol
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, but new toys and bad decisions.

I know the feeling...  A few weeks ago I finished my Bandit project and after confirming it was safe, found myself turning east off Rt 57 onto Church Rd, (Orrville).   A short term voluntary lack of judgement with a twist of the wrist was all it took to get to 130mph.    new toys...

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On roads with a speed limit of 55 or higher, points are only assessed if you are more than 10 MPH over the posted speed limit.  You can still be ticketed, but you will not get points.  This is why I limit my highway speed to +9.


i'm not used to people accurately stating the traffic code!


This is the GENERAL breakdown:


speed limit under 55: 5mph over = 2 points.  30mph over = 4 points

speed limit 55 or over:  10 mph over = 2 points.  30 mph over = 4 points


OVI, street racing, and other serious traffic offenses are 6 point violations.


That is not an exhaustive list.   Reckless opp is probably a 4 point violation, and other offenses fall in the 4-6 point range.


Point of warning:  the definition of "street racing" is extremely broad.   Basically if you are travelling in excess of the posted limit, and driving along-side another person who is also speeding, you can be charged with street racing.  Keep that in mind if you're cruising down the highway with your buddies, doing 80+




In relevant part:  "The operation of two or more vehicles side by side either at speeds in excess of prima-facie lawful speeds established by divisions (B)(1)(a) to (B)(8) of section 4511.21 of the Revised Code [...] shall be prima-facie evidence of street racing."

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No more speed racing for this guy.

Glad nothing came of it! My girlfriend often makes fun of me for going slow in a car, bikes just bring the idiot out of me I guess. Momentary lapse of reason.

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Thanks redkow97, you've effectively destroyed my enjoyment of the hobby...  :riding:

Seriously though, I do appreciate the break-down - it reminds me there are significant financial penalties for having too much fun.  I too have been known to do the ton when nobody else is around, or so I think.

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  • 1 month later...

Just revived my first ticket yesterday 75 in a 45 so 30 over.

Didn't even know he was behind me till a mile down the road when he caught up, hand on gun yelling for me to put my hands on the hood and then cranking my arm to my shoulder blade and giving me a few scratch from the cuffs haha. No reckless op tho so hopefully I'll be good besides the points.

It's true you have to be charged with reckless op, it's not just a certain speed over?

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Yes you can get reckless for any speed, if the officer determines you're driving recklessly. Very broad definition too. In my experience, you pretty much have to be in an accident or WAY above limit to get the reckless charge though, most cops just aren't douchey enough to write that one for nothing

I got stopped for doing "excess of 130mph" in a 65 (was doing 150s indicated) and didn't get a reckless charge, but in high school I got one for taking out a mailbox because I just got my license and thought my 94 f150 was a racecar and I understeered a turn and clipped a mailbox lol

Edited by Steve Butters
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Yes you can get reckless for any speed, if the officer determines you're driving recklessly. Very broad definition too. In my experience, you pretty much have to be in an accident or WAY above limit to get the reckless charge though, most cops just aren't douchey enough to write that one for nothing

I got stopped for doing "excess of 130mph" in a 65 (was doing 150s indicated) and didn't get a reckless charge, but in high school I got one for taking out a mailbox because I just got my license and thought my 94 f150 was a racecar and I understeered a turn and clipped a mailbox lol


What we commonly refer to as "reckless operation" in Ohio is actually called "Operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property."   http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.20  There is no statute called "reckless operation."


Part of the reason is that there is a "reckless" mental state for many other offenses (like assault, homicide, etc.), and that definition of reckless doesn't line-up with the standard to prove 'reckless operation.'   It confused the hell out of juries, so they changed the law a bit.


That said, it's not uncommon for officer to write "reckless opp" on a ticket (you try fitting that long-ass name in the space provided).  Nothing is ever "automatically" reckless.  I had a case where the vehicle reached 66 mph in a 45 mph zone.  That alone probably wouldn't have been reckless, but the vehicle was also attempting a pass in a no-passing zone, and hit another car almost head-on.  It was charged as a reckless assault (the true reckless standard) and there was a traffic citation for operation in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of person or property as well.

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Idk how it's written bub, but I can 100% assure you that my ticket said reckless op on it. I also received one on a separate occasion that said "drag racing" even though it might be called something else. I have no reason to make the shit up lol


I'm not debating what your ticket said; I'm telling you that if you actually look up the code section that is written next to "reckless op," the offense is called operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.

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Idk how it's written bub, but I can 100% assure you that my ticket said reckless op on it. I also received one on a separate occasion that said "drag racing" even though it might be called something else. I have no reason to make the shit up lol

That one is called exhibition of speed. I got that one once too, in Phoenix.
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