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Was down on 555 yesterday riding by myself and had stopped off on a miscellaneous driveway to take a smoke break and figure which route I was going to take to get to Jukebox Pizza in Waterford. Was standing beside my bike with helmet and jacket off looking at my phone when I hear a couple sportbikes approaching at a moderate pace. As I continue to decide how I'm going to proceed, I hear the two bikes begin to slow and downshift as the get near me. At first I thought maybe these folks were ready for a break as well and might have decided to join me when I looked up. Then I notice the lead rider putting his left thumb up...wow, they think I'm cool! Then it hits me: He is "asking" if I'm "good to go", thinking I may have had some trouble and was perhaps trying to raise someone on the phone.

The riders were fully geared, riding nice machines at what sounded to me like a responsible pace. The lead bike was a white supersport, though I didn't make out what make/brand. Second rider was on a Kawi for sure...possibly a naked rendition.

After they had gone on down the road, I became very greatful that they had checked on me. I almost always ride solo, so I don't often get to enjoy the comradery of fellow riders. I don't know if those riders are members here OR, but just wanted to say Thank You.

The weather was spectacular yesterday and I put a modest 150 miles of twisties on the ODO after having to work until noon. 555 is still treacherous, fun, and in need of repairs. Eventually made it to Jukebox and enjoyed their signature Rock n Roll sub, then headed for home.

Thanks again Riders!

Edited by RCBS
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