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My first experience with an asshole! (close call)


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I've been riding just under a year now, I just had my first "close call" run-in with a blind fucking asshole in the parking lot of Krogers in Hilliard. What really pissed me off about it was I was wearing a REALLY REALLY REALLY BRIGHT NEON windbreaker I just bought last night for just this reason... so people see me! This asshole turned left right in front of me on the main lane right in front of the store, I had to brake hard coming to a quick complete stop, whole time while laying on the horn.

Now what happened next is probably not the way to handle it, but since it was my first time, I have a quick Italian temper, and I was wearing a jacket as bright as the fucking sun I followed this asshole into Krogers into the frozen food aisle and bumped into him and said "oh sorry I didnt fucking see you there asshole"! To which his response was a lousy "fuck you I'll kick your ass". I pulled at my jacket and said "how do you not fucking see me you asshole", to which he again replied with apparently his favorite line "fuck you I'll kick you ass". After that I just walked away cause now I know why he didn't see me, cause hes a moron!

So my question to all you guys that have been riding for years is how do you all deal with situations like this, cause obviously they will happen again and again. Do you just blow it off or do you have any kind of fun "creative" way at getting your point across to the morons??

By the way, this guy had at least 2feet on me, if it had come down to punches, i woulda got my ass kicked :) But I'm pretty sure I embarassed him cause lots of people heard and saw us.

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close calls just let you know how easy it can happen thats for sure!!

the finder makes me feel better. but one time i had a guy try to pull my buddy off his bike at a light and i kinda came unglued.

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You have treat every car like they are out to kill you and never trust that anyone sees you.

If you expect every car to turn in front of you, you won't be suprised when it happens.

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I have never had words with anyone but shittygsxr has definitely followed people to let them know how fucking stupid they are. It's not a good idea, you never know if someone is toting a gun (i.e. my 86 year old grandpa has one between his seat and console and has lived 86 years already and isn't scared of much). I prefer to get next to them and give them a big thumbs up and it usually pisses them off pretty good.

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You have treat every car like they are out to kill you and never trust that anyone sees you.

If you expect every car to turn in front of you, you won't be suprised when it happens.

I wasn't real surprised that it happened, I can read drivers pretty well, I've been driving company vans for work for many years so I spend alot of time on the road. I can usually tell what people are going to do even before they know what they're gonna do. I guess I just want to hear from you guys as to how you deal with the feeling it gives you when it happens, do you just blow it off knowing its going to always happen and just be thankful you got away without getting hurt? It made me very angry, and I know now that the way I reacted (especially being alone) was not the way to handle the situation, but I've always been abit of a hothead but nowadays that kinda reaction can get you shot!

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I use to get hot tempered all the time. Rarely do I flip out anymore with road rage. It's not worth getting into something when you're never going to see them again anyways. I have been cut-off and pushed out of my lane into the gravel/almost grass a few times. I normally just honk my horn and forget about it. Sometimes I just don't do anything. I just don't care anymore because I realized a while ago I'm living in this world with idiots. I see how fucked up this world is everyday because more idiots are populating it. So, I'm use to seeing or having crazy things done to me, therefore I ignore most of it while on the road.

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Ah' date=' that's what these are for...


This guy and me came out of the store at approximately the same time, I had a slight lead on him, and thats exactly what I did, as soon as I got back to my bike I quickly slipped on one of my padded gloves in case he came near me. He didn't, he just looked at me all angry like from across the parking lot, afterall I had a padded glove on one hand and a helmet in the other! :D

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This guy and me came out of the store at approximately the same time, I had a slight lead on him, and thats exactly what I did, as soon as I got back to my bike I quickly slipped on one of my padded gloves in case he came near me. He didn't, he just looked at me all angry like from across the parking lot, afterall I had a padded glove on one hand and a helmet in the other! :D

helmet used properly is as good as a battle axe :lol:

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If I ever had to defend myself while riding. I will be fighting with helmet left on and my gloves. They're going to break their hands if they punch my helmet...:lol: Then my gloves will break their skin open on their face right afterwards, then I'm hopping on my bike and bailing.

Disclaimer: This is only for use in extreme measures when there is no possible way to avoid it. :D

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someone tried to pass me on an entrance ramp to the freeway when i was on my 250 once. i was really pissed off, which isnt always good as many people have stated with firearms being so readily accessible.

i told the story to some guy who rides a goldwing and he whips out an expandable police baton and says "thats why i carry this, they wont forget about a big dent in their car". not saying its the right way to handle things, or even a safe or legal way, jus sayin.

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I'm not going to comment on the actual part where you are riding, but I will comment on the 'two feet on me, if it came to punches he would have kicked my ass" part.

I am not advocating violence. I prefer to diffuse situations that are headed that way. At the same time, I subscribe in "it's either you or me, and I ain't going anywhere".

You weren't in a ring...you were in the street. You conceded defeat before the fight started ( and thankfully it never started). If he has two feet on you, why would you be trying to box with him? Kick him square in the nuts or the knees. I guarantee either one will drop him down to your level. :) There are no rules in the street...it's about survival.

Hopefully, no one on here has to resort to this...I'm just sayin..next time..don't conceed defeat IF the situation ends up being physical. Do everything in your power to diffuse it (which you did), but be prepared if that doesn't work.

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I always have a few metal ball bearings with me, for those assholes that tailgate or cut me off or basically piss me off in general, just get in front of them and drop the ball bearing on the ground, no matter what it hits it will do damage, my target is always the radiator.

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where do you guys keep these said police batons and ball bearings? i know on my sportbike there really is no place to put this stuff...

batons come with nice holsters for your belt, and they are collapsable. i guess you could either put some ball bearings in your pocket or just stuff them into your tighty whitys, although the latter might be a more difficult location to reach in time of need...

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I would not follow the person,but when they leave their car and go into a store i will write watch out for bikes on their door with my key. tends to make them remember every time they get into their car lol. Or stick some gum under their door handle if your not willing to vandalize.

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Just ride by their car and stick your leg out to take out their side mirror- this is my favorite for the highway (only go about 15-20 mph faster than there car or it WILL hurt your foot).

Use small zip ties and zip tie a few spark plugs in front of your triple tree- just twist them off when you need em - the ceramic on the plug will def. crack a windshield if you have good aim.

I only do this when people could have killed me... if you cut me off I'll just give you the finger and make you go 10 mph below the speed limit.

(Disclaimer: a friend of a friend told me about this)

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