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no mirrors?


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Why do some people remove mirrors completely? I mean, that's fine if you want to do it, but when I'm looking at a bike to buy, I want the mirrors on it. And isn't it better to know what's coming up behind you? 

Stretched and lowered is another thing that I come across. What's the purpose of that? 

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Stretched was originally an anti-whoolie mod for drag racing, but it got picked up by people who liked the look and started stretching out bikes that are impossible to power wheelie. 'Dem stretched 600's bruh. 


No mirrors, I have no idea. I like knowing what's behind me. I'll probably be getting rid of my giant rabbit ear mirrors for some bar-ends next season but after riding the track bike around on some back roads for testing purposes, I've found it sucks having to turn your torso around every time you want to see behind you. 


** @JustinNck1 CRG has good reviews on their bar-end mirrors. I'll probably get the Triumph branded mirrors though because they look good on the striple: 



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  On 11/1/2016 at 8:07 PM, JustinNck1 said:

I've always wondered how well a bar end mirror worked.


I've had multiple bikes with bar end mirrors.  While I think they look better on a naked bike than stock mirrors.


As far as how they work, they give a far better view of what's directly behind you without having to tuck in your elbows all the time.  I did find, however, that when looking into them, you lose your peripheral vision on the road ahead of you and that I do not like because you have to look down more than regular mirrors. 


It's definitely different if you've never used them before...

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  On 11/1/2016 at 7:53 PM, hiro said:

Hmm...sounds good. Could a camera replace a physical mirror legally, I wonder. 


Not sure of the legalities on using camera/monitor for rear views here in Ohio, but might create some delays in your life since the officer stopping you wont see any exterior mirrors on your bike.

There's also Reevu helmets that have an overhead mirror that's stationed just above your forward field of vision, but there again...not sure if they're legal as your ONLY source of mirror here in Ohio, and could give leo's a reason to stop.



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  On 11/1/2016 at 8:13 PM, what said:

CRG has good reviews on their bar-end mirrors. I'll probably get the Triumph branded mirrors though because they look good on the striple: 




I run an identical mirror on my KTM, but the bar vibrations are so bad that they shake out of adjustment instantly when I'm hard on the throttle...rendering them usless until I readjust them.  But when I ride easy, they stay put.  Although mine are chinese and $18/pair, so CRG or Triumphs "should" be better....hopefully.  Then again, you surely dont have the vibration issues that plague supermotos

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Good mirrors are handy for seeing when you should slow down (or speed up) when a cop's coming up on you in traffic. Also handy when waiting for the group to catch up in the twisties. For lane changes I always do a big head check (especially when traversing multiple lanes). Mirrors never say yes, they only say no. Taking them off a street bike is a sign of limited IQ.

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  On 11/1/2016 at 8:34 PM, DerekClouser said:

I've had multiple bikes with bar end mirrors.  While I think they look better on a naked bike than stock mirrors.


As far as how they work, they give a far better view of what's directly behind you without having to tuck in your elbows all the time.  I did find, however, that when looking into them, you lose your peripheral vision on the road ahead of you and that I do not like because you have to look down more than regular mirrors. 


It's definitely different if you've never used them before...



I have bar end mirrors, and they do work really good for what's behind you, but I too find it a distraction while looking down and not being able to see what's in front of you.


I'm going to look into those CRG mirrors.

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I've used small wide angle mirrors on all my bikes. Great for no blind spots. not so good for identifying type of vehicle(cop) behind.

I've been asked about them by 2 bike cops. The second said" My mirrors have lots of blind spots, they're fine"

My dirt bars are wide enough, don't want to add more width. Or have abything blocking replacing my hand on the grip.

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