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PC Refresh Time


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Time for a PC refresh...

I started out just getting a new CPU, mobo, and RAM but got carries away and bought a new PSU (with white sleeved cables thumbup.gif) - Corsair Carbide 540 Air case shown separately as it arrived this am but I haven't opened it and because I'm out of my fucking mind I ordered a Galax 1080 GTX HOF simply because it's white (it's also faster than my Asus card) and rounds out the silver/white theme.

This thing is going to look sick. More pics when it's built.


Not shown is the NZXT Kraken x62 h20 cooler which arrives today and the Samsung 960 EVO m.2 SSD which should be (hopefully) shipping by tomorrow.

I'll carry over my SSD's, and HDD'd along with the Blu-ray dive and card reader bay.

So, I'll prolly have some nice parts for sale soon - I'll have to look up the exact part #'s...4770k processor, mobo, Corsair H100i GTX cooler, Corsair (4x4) 16GB DDR3 RAM, Asus STRIX 1080GTX, Corsair 600C case, Corsair HX1000w PSU, etc. Actually, the whole system is pretty much staying intact except for the SSDs, card reader and Blu-ray drive.




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Nice! I just finished my build not too long ago.


MSI Z170-A Pro
8GB DDR4 Hyper Fury
Asus Strix RX480 8GB OC
Hyper 212 Cooler
NZXT S340 Case
Transferred my HDD and SSD from the old machine
Gonna replace the 212 with a closed loop system soon.


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Yeah...I hadn't really planned up upgrading but then I got to talking to a buddy at work who recently re-did his system and I got caught up in it. I hadn't really upgraded (other than the GPU) in several years. It used to be an annual thing for me but I don't use my desktop as much anymore except for gaming and power hungry applications like video/photo editing.

I just decided to make this a bling build as well...had never really done that. Not sure why I am because no one ever sees the damn thing but me...SMH

Edited by ScubaCinci
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Computer spec junkie thread, one of my other passions.  :)

Zalman fatal1ty fc-ze1 case

Gigabyte GA-170X ultra gaming Mobo

Intel I7-6700K CPU, Corsair water cooler.

32 gig of Gskill Ripjaws ddr4-2133 memory

Nvidia gtx1080 primary with a gtx660 for Physx.

Ultra X4 1000Watt modular power supply

OCZ Vertex 4, 250gig SSD primary drive with two 3tb standard drives for storage.

Logitech G19 keyboard amd the G700S mouse.




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