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Aaron won. But like Whitey said, we need to do it over. We went 2nd gear, 50mph, go at the second telephone pole. That didn't work out quite like we thought it would. 3rd honk is definitely the way to go. So for now, Aaron got it. If it he gets it again when rolling from the 3rd honk, I quit and I'm buying a Harley. :wink:

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Why do you insist on running me.. Do you think your like donnie dragster or something..

This is getting old...

Better start saving for your harley now I guess..

Like you said, it didnt work out because you got your ass handed to you.. :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

It wasnt even a close race.. IDont get me wrong, Ben can ride just fine but there are just some serious HP differences between the 2 bikes which is why Im confused as to why you keep wanting to run me..

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Why do you insist on running me.. Do you think your like donnie dragster or something..

This is getting old...

Better start saving for your harley now I guess..

Like you said, it didnt work out because you got your ass handed to you.. :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

It wasnt even a close race.. IDont get me wrong, Ben can ride just fine but there are just some serious HP differences between the 2 bikes which is why Im confused as to why you keep wanting to run me..

Wow you're cocky. I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too. :moo:

I like to race, and you like to talk shit. Sounds like the perfect match to me. :dunno:

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Good win. 3rd honk may not work on a bike. Not loud enough. Typically, when there is an advantage like Flounder speaks of. The person with the advantage lets the other person jump first and they go just after. Therefore, it's a better race. If it was not even close like he said....Flounder should swing around you.

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i have 2 cents .a 40 role really isnt a race.i say that zx 10 is a pretty bad ass bike and i think if ben got some help on how to jump off the line with out flipping over or doing wheelies he can beat alot of bike out there.ive seen a guy beat a busa turboed out of its ass and loss twice.unless ben gets some help he will get beat every time.again just a cents.nice seeing you guys last night bye the way.

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i have 2 cents .a 40 role really isnt a race.i say that zx 10 is a pretty bad ass bike and i think if ben got some help on how to jump off the line with out flipping over or doing wheelies he can beat alot of bike out there.ive seen a guy beat a busa turboed out of its ass and loss twice.unless ben gets some help he will get beat every time.again just a cents.nice seeing you guys last night bye the way.


I dont think racing from Diggstown was ever offered. Rolling takes the " I wheelied", "I spun", blah blah out the picture. Roll is mainly rider, partly bike.

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i have 2 cents .a 40 role really isnt a race.i say that zx 10 is a pretty bad ass bike and i think if ben got some help on how to jump off the line with out flipping over or doing wheelies he can beat alot of bike out there.ive seen a guy beat a busa turboed out of its ass and loss twice.unless ben gets some help he will get beat every time.again just a cents.nice seeing you guys last night bye the way.

I dont think racing from Diggstown was ever offered. Rolling takes the " I wheelied", "I spun", blah blah out the picture. Roll is mainly rider, partly bike.[/quote:b2d0d]

I think you have that backwards. Roll is mainly bike, partly rider. A lot more from the rider goes into racing from a dig. From a roll it's pretty much like playing with titties; see how hard you can twist without being thrown off.

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Do it from a roll! Bragging rights are about who bought a better bike not who has better skills. :roll:

If you dont race from a standstill how are you going to make fun of the other guy for not being able to handle the shiney new bike he just bought? :D

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I think you have that backwards. Roll is mainly bike, partly rider. A lot more from the rider goes into racing from a dig. From a roll it's pretty much like playing with titties; see how hard you can twist without being thrown off.

Just my two cents....

From a dig

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Its all different points of view. from a roll, the rider is fighting to keep the wheel down and twist like hell.. from a stop the rider is fighting to slip the clutch right and get a good launch..

Different strokes for different folks.. I didnt buy the bike for drag racing so if you want to sit and burn up clutches with people, feel free because it wont be me. I didnt buy the bike to race people with it either and to be completely honest, running a 152hp bike against one thats putting down around 170 doesnt really make sense to me unless the rider is just plain badass of which none of us are, me included..

At the same time that people are talking about dragging in the straights, I could be saying the same thing to them about taking their bikes to hocking hills or the track for the curves.....

I ride for fun no matter what bike Im riding and I dont need a straight line WOT run to do it with.

Everyone likes to push people buttons for the hell of it but just ride to have fun people..

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I think you have that backwards. Roll is mainly bike, partly rider. A lot more from the rider goes into racing from a dig. From a roll it's pretty much like playing with titties; see how hard you can twist without being thrown off.

No...I think I'm correct with what I said.....You can have the fastest bike, but if you dont know how to ride it or use the power.....you'll lose every time. I see it all the time with people who buy bikes or cars based off what a magazine say they'll do, but when they ride/drive it......that never happens.

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Look at it this way....

we all have 1000cc bikes...they are fucking fast.....period

we can race each other all we want...for shit and giggles

but when it comes down to it, there are a lot of big HP cages that are looking for their ass to be handed to them.....we all sent around $11,000 for the hp....but this guys spend ass loads of cash, for us to kill them

So with that said....we all should go Cage Hunting

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we can race each other all we want...for shit and giggles

So with that said....we all should go Cage Hunting

Shits and giggles agreed but no reason to make a big deal out of it..

Cage hunting sounds like fun but there are some large HP cages running around...

Either way.. as long as Im riding with everyone, I will be having fun.. unless or course Im hungry at which point Im a real asshole.. I get cranky when Im hungry :beating:

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