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Medina TT - 7/9/17


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What a fun race! Love the TT format since it inspires to catch up to others. There were 12 men in the Beginner 40+ starting 30 seconds apart. When I saw that I started 6th, my goal was to pass two people and not get passed. I was able to catch one person right away and kept getting glimpses of others in front of me. I managed to pass all 5 in front of me and even caught a few of the Beginner 18-39 fellas that started at least 4 mins before me. It felt great to haul ass and really push through the trails! I took 1st and my time was over 2 mins faster than 2nd place for our category. Still got a ways to go, but very cool to see the progress I've made. Next Sat marks 1 year of owning and riding a MTB, can't wait to see what a few more seasons brings!


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Congrats!  Really wish I could have been out there, but after a short road ride yesterday, my knee is definitely not trail-ready.  Not even staircase ready, if I'm being honest...  Banging my kneecap has been the worst of it so far.  Just have lingering pain when I put serious weight on my left leg.  But it's getting better, and I'm icing regularly.  I am worried that it's not going to be a quick process :-/

Let's hear more about the Medina trail system.   I need to get down there some Saturday or Sunday morning.  My local trail is fun, but 1) it tried to kill me, and 2) I don't want to get bored with it.

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