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Mapping Programs


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I use Google maps like Dan, but have also done the same thing with the Harley Route planner.  

I also still have an old copy of Microsoft Streets and Trips (circa 2011, I think) but it will only run on my old Dell laptop with WIndows Vista.  Since Microsoft doesn’t suport the software any longer, I cannot run it on Windows 10 machines we own. 

Plan the routes, save as .gpx file and copy to Garmin and import from the micro sd card. Still works just may not have new roads or waypoints build in last 6 years.  Rather than searching for a hotel, or whatever, I find something nearby that was there in 2011 and tie the waypoints to that.   It’s worked for 32 states so far.....  LOL


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Garmin's Basecamp software is a major PITA. there are some tutorials out there that are supposed to make it easier to use, but I just don't have the patience to learn it. I know a few guys use Tyre and some use Sygic. I'm a google maps kind of guy myself. Just make sure that once you import it into your Garmin, double check the route. You usually have to add a lot of waypoints for it to import properly. My 660 likes to take my imported route then modify it for either fastest route or shortest distance in between points. And that's where you get into trouble.

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