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VACAVILLE, Calif. -- A Vacaville, Calif., man found a pit bull stuck in the engine of his truck and chewing through wires Tuesday morning, his family said.Walter Witthoeft had just woken up and went outside to put power steering fluid in his truck. When he popped the hood, he saw a pair of eyes, heard growling and then noticed a dog wiggling around in his engine.The dog worked his way up and under the truck the night before and got stuck, Sacramento Station KCRA reported.Witthoeft's family called police and reported the incident.Witthoeft said he had just paid $1,000 to fix his truck last week, but the truck had to be towed back to the shop for repairs due to damage caused by the pit bull.The dog eventually was able to wiggle out and animal service brought it to a county shelter.

Imagine opening your hood to that :eek: , maybe thay could use that with Mike Vick for a gas commercial.

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i have a female they are the most loving dogs ever

You sir are 1million percent correct. I FUCKING HATE these news stories. Everytime a pit bull, or any bully breed really, does anything it makes the news. No wonder people think they are bad dogs. "pit bull pisses on fire hydrant" oh no :eek: but seriously, sometimes im more afraid of the crazy little ankle biters than anything. I swear, some of the little dogs are so aggressive its crazy.


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You sir are 1million percent correct. I FUCKING HATE these news stories. Everytime a pit bull, or any bully breed really, does anything it makes the news. No wonder people think they are bad dogs. "pit bull pisses on fire hydrant" oh no :eek: but seriously, sometimes im more afraid of the crazy little ankle biters than anything. I swear, some of the little dogs are so aggressive its crazy.


Um, this one is a bad dog. It was EATING THE DUDES ENGINE. I would have shot it for that alone. But, that being said, I have been known to shoot at ferral cats for walking on my truck. Any excuse to shoot a cat.

The problem with these dogs is the large amount of irresponsible fucktards who own them. You can't let any dog run loose around the ghetto, especially one known for its agressiveness. Alot of the people who own these dogs (Not all people, read on)are uneducated dumbasses without enough sense to keep the animal under control and that is where all of these news stories come from. You never hear that a kid climbed a guys fence and started beating on his pitbull with a stick because it doesn't happen. These attack stories always involve a pit running loose.

I agree with you about the ankle biters though. I hate little yappin' puntin' dogs.

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Sorry there's a reason Pits have the rep they do. They are incredibly aggressive by nature and due to that they are one of the breeds more likely to attack than others. The dog wouldn't have made it out of the engine.

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im not in disagreance that i wouldnt have shot the dog esp. if it was growling at me when i popped the hood. but not all are aggressive its how you raise them. i never have to worry about mine. anyone can walk into my house and never feel threatened, and she is great with kids also. me and my gf occasionaly baby sit for a family member and my dog will lay there and let the kid pull on her ears and do whatever. hell the last time she stood there while the kid tried to get on her back like a pony. lol

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im not in disagreance that i wouldnt have shot the dog esp. if it was growling at me when i popped the hood. but not all are aggressive its how you raise them. i never have to worry about mine. anyone can walk into my house and never feel threatened, and she is great with kids also. me and my gf occasionaly baby sit for a family member and my dog will lay there and let the kid pull on her ears and do whatever. hell the last time she stood there while the kid tried to get on her back like a pony. lol

While the dog can be trained and raised to be less aggressive its breed still has a natural aggressiveness that is much higher than other breeds. Pits are more likely to attack or become suddenly aggressive in certain situations than most breeds. It's been shown over and over and it's also one of the reasons that dog is chosen for certain uses.

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