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Name change?


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A question for the masses. Call me stupid, but I was thinking about changing my screen name. Since my accident, I have been in a bright red cast on my right hand. So my 7 year old thinks I look like Hellboy. The Mrs. amd I were chatting about it, and she thinks that's a better screen name than RVTPilot. I told her you don't normally change that kind of thing, but even I think it's not a bad idea. But I know that usuallr requires re-registering and all of that. So what does the group feel about this. If it's cool, I might. If not, so be it.

Your $.02.....

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OK, if you insist...."Stupid" :p

If you're gonna do it......Do it now while you've only got 49 posts. If you're known as RVTPilot on other boards as well....Then I'd leave it alone.

I'm Fonzie or FonzieXX on every board I hang on ever since I got tagged with that nickname

BTW......You may get more traffic on this if it were in Off Topic rather than Daily Ride ;)

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