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Police beat down in Philly


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Why, theyre in trouble. I like how a couple of them come out of no where and just start kicking after the dood is obviously detained. Wow... Thats what happens when the adrenaline is flowing and you cant control it. Can you imagine the rush after chasing someone then catching them. Damn

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they are also responsible for killing a police officer the day before. Not just a simple hey they ran, let's beat the shit out of them. Those 3 plus another yet unobtained are responsible for the shooting of at least one officer, and the killing of another, and more than a few peoples deaths.

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they are also responsible for killing a police officer the day before. Not just a simple hey they ran, let's beat the shit out of them. Those 3 plus another yet unobtained are responsible for the shooting of at least one officer, and the killing of another, and more than a few peoples deaths.

Did they admit to being those same shooters. Last I read they weren't sure if they were the same shooters responsible for killing the cop. They were chasing them though after they had fired shots.

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I podcast the Preston and Steve morning show from Philly, I lived there for about 18 mos and they are the funniest bastards I've ever heard. Anyways they had an officer on the day after this happened talking about it, said that they were following these 3 and one other, these three just screwed up again before they were ready to take them down. So the chase and subsiquent beat down took off from there. They said on the radio that they knew who the fourth guy was and asked him to turn himself in or they'd have him in custody by the end of the week.

On a side note visit www.Prestonandsteve.com and download some of their best-of shit, and say a weeks worth of podcast, youll love them, their hilarious :D

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Those officers definately have the right to determine if someone needs to be beat, if the standards in Philly are like they are in columbus they need at least a GED to become a cop.

I know we have some cops on this board, come stand up for your buddies.

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there is nothing to stand up for (I am not a cop btw). Beatings like this should never happen. They may be guilty but that does not excuse the behavior of the police in this instance.

Police have a role in our society. that role is NOT to give out punishment or to determine punishment. that is for a judge and jury. If these suspects did what they are suspected of then I say "fuckem and feed them rocks." But I certainly don't want police making that decision.

When police are allowed to make such decisions the true nature of what this country was founded upon is eroded. Police behavior like this makes our beautiful country look like Russia or communist China. We should all frown upon this behavior by the police because this is a natioin of seperation of powers and not a police state.

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Those officers definately have the right to determine if someone needs to be beat, if the standards in Philly are like they are in columbus they need at least a GED to become a cop.

I know we have some cops on this board, come stand up for your buddies.

I must quote myself because my sarcasm was not as evident as I thought. For those of you that know me, I dont consider a GED a great achievement and I question the decision making abilities of someone that has one. Why do I question a GED holders judgement? 100% of GED's are obtained after someone fucks up multiple times and is unable to finish highschool.

The second sarcastic comment was for the Cops to stand up for their "brothers" as anytime someone says that a cop harassed them some LEO steps in and says he was just doing his job. Most cops have the "every one is lieing unless it is on tape additude"

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yeah i agree. its up to the court to decide if they are guilty of killing a cop or not. but you cant just go out and round up the guys you think are responsible and beat the shit out of them. this isnt the old west.

i realize that cops sometimes have to get physical while doing their job. the cops in that video went overboard though.

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Police have a role in our society. that role is NOT to give out punishment or to determine punishment. that is for a judge and jury.

in the future, one man is the law



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