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Introducing myself and also asking for some advice...


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Hello Everyone,

My name is Sam and I found this forum from a posting on KatRiders.com. I'm from the Canton area and I ride a 99 Suzuki Katana 600. I've been riding for a little over a year now.

On to my question/rant... I was just taking a lap around my block and got pulled over by an officer who claimed I was doing 54mph in a 35mph zone. I know for a fact that I was not going that fast because the second I saw him I looked at my speedo and it said I was doing between 40-45mph, and I don't have a speed-o-healer so after factoring in the % of inacurracy it was probably more like 37-42mph.

The officer was right on another cars butt traveling in the opposite direction, and we both saw each other at the crest of a little hill. I find it very hard to believe that he had an opportunity to even get me on radar, and if he had he would have know I wasn't going 54mph.

I was in Jackson Township and the officer was from Louisville which is in the same county (Stark) but is also a good 25-30 minutes drive from here, and definately not his turf. He said he was part of a DUI task force so I don't know if the ticket would be valid or not. He made it a point to say that I could just pay the fine and not have to go to court, but I'm not going to just bend over and take it up the rear just because this guy doesn't like sportbike riders and wanted to write me some fabricated ticket.

Since I'm assuming most of you are fellow riders in OH, I was hoping that you could offer me some advice. I would be especially interested in hearing from any law enforcement officers who could make recommendations on what I could do to fight this. I realize that this is my first post and you don't know me well, but I'm not a squid and I was not doing anything except riding the same speed as everyone else was traveling.

I'm 25yrs old, been riding a year, have no tickets/points on my license, and cant afford to just eat the ticket and have my insurance go through the roof. What should I do?

Thank you in advance.


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The fact that you have no priors will help you out. Moving radar is pretty nice though, we can catch just about anything if we position our radar unit in the rite direction.

The only luck youll have with fighting it will be either...

Asking to see the log sheet for when he calibrated the unit when he began patrol for the day. -or- asking that you dont get points with the speed and just pay a little higher fine instead.

I dont usually give advice how to beat tickets, consider that one a favor though ;)

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