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Nice little fight


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Some of you might remember the black guy from a fight vid in some backyard where he destroyed the guy and nearly knock the guys right eye out of the socket. I've seen him fight many times and he seems to win all the time, and he's not a good fighter at all, just big and hits hard. He only fights if its stand up only and no kneeing or head butts. If he wasn't nearly 3 times my wieght I'd try him if he would ground fight.

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thats one of the longest fist fights ive ever seen. Everytime ive been in a fight, it usually goes to the ground in about 10seconds, and is over in less than 30. There was one time i really got my ass whooped that lasted a few minutes, but thats just because im too stupid to know when to stay down.


I used to wrestle when i was in JHS and HS, and have messed around with a UFC guy so when its game time, ITS PAIN TIME WOOOOO!! tongue.gif

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A couple of my close take Gracie Jui jitsu at the place on schrock, and another trains at the black dragon. I don't get into fights but I enjoy wrestling people, I know a cople holds and take downs. When my friends that do take it for real get into fights it doesnt last for more then a minute. I've seen the one that takes Gracie take people down and just put them in a hold till the person calms down. It's good to know that some people that have this knowledge don't abuse it. Then again Ive also watched a video of the same kid breaking someone's arm in the complete opposite direction at a tournament.
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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

So Doug are you a wrestler of some sort, or do you have grapling experience? We are about the same size we should roll around on the ground like were dating sometime.

No I have never wrestled,I have alittle fighting backround but haven't trained in along time. Blackbelt in teakwondo, I fought for House of the Rock Training Center back in the day,was two time state champ,went to the Jr. Olympics in 92. When I was younger fighting was all I lived for. If I wasn't throwing kicks I was hitting the bag. I haven't had any formal ground fighting training but I knew alot of groundfighters and picked up a thing or two from them. What about you?


[ 02. December 2004, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Nismo ]

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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

A couple of my close take Gracie Jui jitsu at the place on schrock, and another trains at the black dragon. I don't get into fights but I enjoy wrestling people, I know a cople holds and take downs. When my friends that do take it for real get into fights it doesnt last for more then a minute. I've seen the one that takes Gracie take people down and just put them in a hold till the person calms down. It's good to know that some people that have this knowledge don't abuse it. Then again Ive also watched a video of the same kid breaking someone's arm in the complete opposite direction at a tournament.

Dr. Hudson owns that place on shrock I believe. He trained under the same guy as me Mr. Rousch.
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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

thats one of the longest fist fights ive ever seen. Everytime ive been in a fight, it usually goes to the ground in about 10seconds, and is over in less than 30. There was one time i really got my ass whooped that lasted a few minutes, but thats just because im too stupid to know when to stay down.


I used to wrestle when i was in JHS and HS, and have messed around with a UFC guy so when its game time, ITS PAIN TIME WOOOOO!! tongue.gif

Whos the UFC guy?
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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

A couple of my close take Gracie Jui jitsu at the place on schrock,. . .

been thinking about switching from my dojo over to relsons academy. met robin sp? a couple weeks a go during a mini seminar, seem to be pretty good people.
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Originally posted by drunkenbabyseal:

been thinking about switching from my dojo over to relsons academy. met robin sp? a couple weeks a go during a mini seminar, seem to be pretty good people.

That would be the only place I would go if I start training again.
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Originally posted by Nismo:

Whos the UFC guy?

His name is Chris Larkin. Hes not famous or anything but ive watched him fight and hes pretty damn good. Im a pretty big boy and i would think twice.


Big Boy = 6'1", appx 225 lbs.

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I used to go to house of the rock when I was in grade school. But I wasnt really into all the forms and such. Mr Rausch's nephew Mike is one of my best friends. As far as my training, some of my friends were wrestlers and other trained at places like Mr Hudson's place so Ive just picked things up from them.
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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

I used to go to house of the rock when I was in grade school. But I wasnt really into all the forms and such. Mr Rausch's nephew Mike is one of my best friends. As far as my training, some of my friends were wrestlers and other trained at places like Mr Hudson's place so Ive just picked things up from them.

How long ago was that? Do you see John very often? I haven't talked to him in years. It would be great to get in touch with him again. I was in 6th grade when I started training there,,and like you I hated forms so I just focused on USTU style sparring and stopped going to regular classes(forms and set movements and such). If you could please have Mike tell John I said Hello(Doug Upton). Damn its a small world. Do you remember anyone who went there when you did?
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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Mark Rowdy, I think thats how you spell it. He stuck out in my mind cause he was a bad ass. Ill give Mike the message, I might be going to Skullys with him tonight.

Hunison,,Mark came over from Japan didn't he. He came when I was training there. How about Kevin Eckerd(not sure the spelling),Tony Nyuen,DJ Howard, BJ and Erica Carol, Erica Jackson,Ed Noble.


Mark was good but he held back alot,Kevin was badass,Tony and I were just a few pounds apart and would have some great fights together.

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