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Blower.. blows up


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Guest JoesGirlfriend
~$40 would have prevented that blower from blowing off like that. ARP sells special bolts that allows the pressure to blow out without blowing the blower off. Would have been money well spent.
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It takes ONE backfire to have that happen. One float of an intake valve, or even a misadjusted valve.


As far as what happened there. It sounded like he shut it off then desided to fire it back up and turned back on the fuel. The motor had almost stopped and began to turn backwards, opening the intake valve with a lit cylinder under it.


Like I said, it don't take much with a blower to have it come off the intake.

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Guest Ponyfreak

This is straight from the guys mouth that was there. This is a guy I know that owns a Mark VIII.


"... that is where I work. Preston(santa clause) is the old driver. The man in the wheelchair is Mr Ray Godman. That is the old Bo-Weevil car he ran in 79. The way the boss got in the chair is a sniper shot him in the back in the Korean war. The reason it blew is because the blower was not on the right lower manifold. It was on about 85% nitro. so when he gunned it...BOOM!


It was taken roughly 3 weeks ago. They are getting the cat ready to go to Bowling Green for the Holley reunion. They are supposed to put it in the "cackle-fest". That video should have never gotten out, when Preston found out he went nuts! lol When I found out the web guy put it on the web I asked him if he was told to put it on there. lol He said no, but nobody told him not to! Preston actually wanted to shut the car down, but Mr Ray said to rap it one time first. That clip is only part of a longer vid. In the long version you can see Preston wanting to shut it down. The guy in blue is just one of our friends from another shop there to see the car run(boy did he get a show)


It was a gap at the back of the manifold under the blower backing plate that not checked. The boss had switched them and told nobody, that is how it was over looked. Needless to say, there was a couple of unhappy pple when that come to light."

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