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Nice kitty


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Originally posted by Jelloman457:

that thing was a freak holy crap. That guy did kinda scream like a women for getting clawed in the leg.

Ever had that done to you? I have and it hurts like hell... plus, I think it was biting him...
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Cats really hate being on leashes like that and they always go crazy when they figure out there on one. You'd think the guy would know that and have a better hold on the cat. Oh and the way that cat got wrapped around his leg it was going to hurt when he clawed him. I once had a big tough body building friend come over and try to pet my cat Spike (Yeah should have guessed by the name) Well the cat didn't want to be bothered at the time and actually sent him away crying.



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Guy should've pulled the leash up enough to keep Pinky off of the ground. Not the hang the thing, but prevent it from using the ground as leverage to jump all over the place.


I would've spun Pinky around and around above my head Crocodile Dundee-style! smile.gif

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