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house warming party AKA The Crunk Lumbajack


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So, a few people were over at the new place last night. Adam ended up having a few too many flaming doctor peppers, at the urging of the flaming Marc. The results were not pretty.


NWS!!! Don't click this if you have a weak stomach, because that's what the picture is of.

Adam somehow managed to find his car, but luckily we had his keys.


At this point, our dear friend the Lumbajack managed to find his bed, and pass out in this position.


Turn up the volume to hear Adam sleeping. With his face in a trash can.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I don't know what's sicker, the puke on the ground, or a red 4th Gen T/A scratched to hell with a purple fender. :(

haha, that's his ricer unpainted bodykit. And the car is pink, btw.


I don't think he got any puke inside the car. He did, however, drive through it when he left :eek:

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