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Holy Mother of STFU ...


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Originally posted by Maro:

His name was Eugene Armstrong...... :(

any more info?


I can't believe I just watched that video... I want to know what they were saying as well as what flag that is in the background.


Does anyone know what he was doing over there in the first place?

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Guest stvbreal
I did say before that we needed to get out of Iraq but let me reiterate what I said. "All civilian Americans" need to get out of Iraq. I can understand that the money is great for contract building constructors but to have a chance of getting snatched up and getting beheaded outways any amount of money. Let our troops take care of the problem, if they can. All other Americans need to leave Iraq or face the consiquences.
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Originally posted by Back_2_Reality_Of_Fury:

1.) do you really think that we should destroy an entire country because of a select group of fucked up people? That's like destroying America because we do fucked up shit... we might not pull the trigger, but who do you think gave most of these fuckers weapons in the first place?

Yeah, because when we nuked Japan - twice - we really destroyed the entire country :rolleyes:


I agree that tactical nukes are not the answer. Our modern ballistics are just as powerful as our world war two era nukes, without the longlasting effects. A couple warheads should more than suffice.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

Yeah, because when we nuked Japan - twice - we really destroyed the entire country :rolleyes:


I agree that tactical nukes are not the answer. Our modern ballistics are just as powerful as our world war two era nukes, without the longlasting effects. A couple warheads should more than suffice.

if you read, everyone is saying nuke them all... that WILL destroy the entire country :rolleyes:
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You know if US troops beheaded someone over there, they would play it all over the news. Then in turn, make everyone there think all American's are bad people. That how I feel that video makes us all feel about there country. If everyone in the US saw that video, I think the shit would hit the fan.
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Guest stvbreal
The big question is what are we doing there? If we pull everyone out of there then they won't have any Americans to behead or suicide bomb. I know, if we leave Iraq then we will be known as cowards, chicken, whatever. But it will save Americans lives that are there. Plus, what we realy need to do is find the bastards that took down our twin towers. They are in Afghanistan not Iraq. We went to Iraq to throw Saddam out of power, seize control of weapons of mass dristruction, and form a new government there. We got Saddam out, governement is formed and no weapons were found. Now get out and find Bin Laden. Iraq is done.
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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

The big question is what are we doing there? If we pull everyone out of there then they won't have any Americans to behead or suicide bomb. I know, if we leave Iraq then we will be known as cowards, chicken, whatever. But it will save Americans lives that are there. Plus, what we realy need to do is find the bastards that took down our twin towers. They are in Afghanistan not Iraq. We went to Iraq to throw Saddam out of power, seize control of weapons of mass dristruction, and form a new government there. We got Saddam out, governement is formed and no weapons were found. Now get out and find Bin Laden. Iraq is done.

Time to get Al Kida also... kill every last one of them.
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Originally posted by Back_2_Reality_Of_Fury:

Could you imagine the last thought on that guys mind while he was being decapitated? When that knife first touched his throat, that would have to be horrible... I couldn't imagine how awful that would be.

For all of you who don't believe that God exists, you better start. And pray.
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While it was a very disturbing and sick thing to see I think everyone should see it. I think to many people think oh no americans are dying and it would all stop if we just left and left them alone. I feel we need to know how sick these people are. If anyone thinks this is really just a group a radicals doing these things just wait.

These guys are just the most easily conviced to take there religon seriously. They see our entire pop culture as very bad and just as disturbing to them and there god as we see there carrying out the orders of their god. I don't really care what the president says about this being a few and most muslims are good pieceful people. If they are they aren't following there gods rules just like a catholic that doesn't follow there rules to a T and just shows up every so often for confession. There is no difference.



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Originally posted by Back_2_Reality_Of_Fury:

Does anyone know what he was doing over there in the first place?

correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't he a civil engineer..?


Originally posted by EvilEvo:

The big question is what are we doing there? If we pull everyone out of there then they won't have any Americans to behead or suicide bomb.

then they'll start doing it here... :(
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Originally posted by RecklessOp:then they'll start doing it here... :(


Do you honestly think that if we pull out of the middle east, they won't bring the fight to the US? Bring it to our towns...on our soil?


They already have before. Or have we, as Americans already forgotten? I fear we have....


The only good thing about Iraq is that at least it is keeping the fucking terrorists busy over there (in the armpit of the world)..... graemlins/nonono.gif Pretty sad situation... isn't it?


I become more and more dissapointed in the human race with every passing year.... graemlins/nonono.gif


[ 22. September 2004, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

How can we win a war where the enemy is willing to die anytime, anywhere for their cause? Such brutality, with no remorse by hacking someones head off with a knife. Our guys are getting court marshalled for taking pictures with naked Iraqi prisoners and these guys are hacking heads. Get out and drop "Little Boy". It's time, again.

You know, there ain't but one way to deal with these fucks, we need to find them, their friends and neighbors and lay down some Amityville, Freddie Cruger shit on all of em. Chop their fucking heads off and set em on posts facing an American flag, then take their bodies, throw em in a meat grinder, chop their shit up, and slop hogs with it. As far as them being willing to die about htis shit. I don't see em walking the streets dressed the way they are in these movies, the pussy asses have masks on so no one knows what they look like. They are fucking cowards. Le tem bring that shit to our shores, and do that shit here. They will be found, and there will be NO fucking trial, no fucking jail time. Slow fucking death to em. Bring me one of these cocksuckers, a gallon of gas and a fire extinguisher, I WILL light em up, put em out and light em again. several times. I am sick of the bleading hearts saying that is too cruel, and we can't act that way that they are. Screw that, blaze their asses up. Screw nuking them, it's too quick and painless, these fucks need to suffer, alot, and a long fucking time. I will be first in line to give these shitbags a blood transfusion to keep em alive so they can be tortured more.


Don't tell me they can't be stopped, everyone has a line, and we need to step WAY the hell over it in what we do toa few of these shits so that the rest are scared. Too scared to do some shit like this. These fucks are lucky that I ain't runnin this shit. I'd burn em down. That fucking TV station, I got a broadcast for their ass, all of em being burried up to the neck, their heads covered in honey and a bear being turned loose. And that's just the people at the TV station, every last one of em. If they work there, kill em slow. Then find the families, friends or whatever of these shitbags, if they ain't turned em in, and know who they are, they are guilty too, kill em. I am to the point I don't care, and this bleeding heart shit will do NOTHING to slow these asshats down. Kill em, every last one of them till they are gone from the earth, if they are willing to do these things, or willing to knowingly let this shit happen, then they need to die, a slow horrorable and painful death. That is as degrading and defiling as anyone can imagine.

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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Maro:

Do you honestly think that if we pull out of the middle east, they won't bring the fight to the US? Bring it to our towns...on our soil?

What is stoping them now? Right now is the opportune time for them to attack us on our soil. Most of our troops are in Iraq, leaving the U.S. easily open for attack. Hell, they attacked us when our troops were on U.S. soil. So either we stay or we leave they can still get us. But if we leave we have a better chance of protecting "our" land.
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After rereading what I said, I have come to a conclusion. When I am really upset, I can't spell, put together complete sentences, or refrain from using the F work in abundance. Sorry about all that, but this stuff really bothers me. BTW, for those that are really bothered by what I have said, and haven't seen the movie, don't watch it. As descriptive as I was it pales to what that movie contains.


Again, I do applogize for the way that I expressed myself, but NOT for *** underlying message or how I feel about it.

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Originally posted by recklessOP:

the CIA, the FBI, local law enforcement, mindful citizens, etc...


what are you going to do with tanks and infantry..? :confused:

People like me, that's what stops it. Go look and find out what happened to the families of the rebels that killed all those kids in Russia. Gone, Puitin sent *** KGB to visit them. And now no one seems to know where they are.
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Desperado - Sorry about all that, but this stuff really bothers me. BTW, for those that are really bothered by what I have said, and haven't seen the movie, don't watch it. As descriptive as I was it pales to what that movie contains.


Thats what I'm thinking. You could read are seemingly mean comments and reply by saying we are racist assholes or whatever you'd like, but no words can ever, ever express the thoughts and feelings you have while watching that video.


I think we really should get very very nasty with them. We all know they hate seeing naked people, pigs, women in power and the like so maybe we should have a women go over there to force them all the strip down and eat pork while there getting there arms and legs removed.



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