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Dont speed, for it is illegal

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

I hope it's not going on the roll back because of speeding...wouldnt that be your second time with 12 points...and you are what, 17?


I think it was being towed by GM because its dirt adhesion test results are being evaluated. smile.gif


No, seriously... that sucks, man. :( Sorry that happened to you, regardless of what you were doing. Young guy + Corvette = Police hard-on when you're doing anything wrong. You've got to learn to drive like your grandpa if you want to own a car like that. What you can get away with in your mom's Taurus doesn't work in your 'Vette.

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Needed to get car to work and clean injectors, which meant taking it to school which was raining like hell then.


She was all washed pretty the night before.


Still trying to figure out my first 12 point suspension.... 3 moving violations under 18.... almost the 1 yr of no tickets!


I have never gotten any tickets in that car, god does not know how, Back when bahnfire had his old 318, us and a few others would 270 Nascar multiple times each weekend, never once stopped.


Now instead of just replacing the water pump, we will be replacing the alternator. smile.gif


They always run the best right before they break eh? :D

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What you can get away with in your mom's Taurus doesn't work in your 'Vette.
heh I've been pulled over quite a few more times in the Taurus then the SVT (never gotten a ticket driving the SVT or even been pulled over for that matter), I had a police officer ask if I bought a body kit for the SHO, I wanted to die.
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