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Cool Martial Arts Vid


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I like the idea of pole arms better. Well, maybe just a bo whatever. Because there are so many things you could just walk around and substitute. Someone comes into my yard and tries to kill me, I can grab a shovel or rake and use it as a weapon that I would be extremely proficient(sp.) in. I don't know any weapons or the martial arts I stated before, I took some Shorun Ryu. Looking to get into Muay Thai JKD for the "Street" fighting capabilities.


Holds are alright I guess against one guy, but if you grab someone and his buddy jumps in...2 on 1 or 3 on 1 how effective is it?

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I agree about the Bo making a good weapon to know how to use because you can pick about anything up and use it like one. The Han Bo is about 3 feet long and would also make a good weapon under those criteria.


Well if your odds are 2 or 3 to 1 then you probably wouldn't want to use a hold, but thats were your life becomes more theatend and I believe the law changes slightly so you can do alot dirtier things to protect yourself. I could be wrong though. Again 2 or 3 to 1 is also a mental game. If your in that situation they think your less likely to try anything and they also get braver until you give them a reason not to be. I'd say totally destroy the first guy that comes near enough and the others will probably think twice. If not there next reaction would probably be to try to grab you. Let them. Then knock some teeth out. Or see if you can open there throat.



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I've got my black belt in Shorin Ryu Karate which is also a form of karate from Okinawa. Right now I'm living in Clarksville so I don't go to class any more but I know a really great place for you guys to go if anyone is interested. One of the guys i used to teach karate with and I got my blackbelt with has his own school inside Westland Mall. He's extremely nice guy and loves to help others. Some of the guys that were our instructors help with class their too now and they are just awesome. They're not out their to make money like a lot of places they just enjoy the art and are more than willing to help anyone out. I highly highly recomend that anyone interested in martial arts check it out. It's called Imperial School of Martial Arts and it's inside Westland Mall. Tell them Zach Copeland sent ya.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The part where hes using the bo ( long wooden stick) sucks, hes actually pretty slow with it. I know i guy thats so fast u cant even see the bo all u hear is the roar of it spinning so fast. Its bad ass. Totally useless really like most of that shit in the video but still cool to watch.
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