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Remember CR via pics and/or vids!!! - no 56k


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It's winter. We're bored. Electricity is somewhat reliable.


What better way to pass the time (when power is on), by remembering past times we've done as a CR group and introducing newbs to what we've done previos to their existance.


So, I invite all of you to post pics and/or vids from times CR has enjoyed in the past. I will compile some of the pics and make a gallery that we'll add to on a consistant basis. Kinda like the Archives on the boardm but with pictures vice text.


So, I'll start by adding my pics. These were taken in Marck of '03 at our regular Kroger meeting spot. We'd had a snow that made this past week's look like flurries. After a few days, Kroger plowed their parking lots into huge snow mounds. Some of us took turns taking our trucks through them. The pics below are Geoff's (Stealthmonkey) prior beater, his Nissan pickup. It got stuck. Then it wouldn't start once on the hill. It was fun, and there was some weird dude that came up bothering us at the same time while trying to remove the truck from the snow mound. The days of yore :D



Geoff (Stealthmonkey), Josh (TurboJC), Aaron (Beer Guy), Marc (MadMalibu), Eric (Tenzig)



The weird guy.



How stuck the truck really was. I think that's my brother, Chris (Fornicate), standing there like a turd just watching.


Also, I think this may have been Josh's truck and not Geoff's. They both had white, beat-to-hell pickups. Often confused, never duplicated :D

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