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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

EDIT: Link only, please, people do view the board from work.



Explain to me the 'NWS' tag before you even click to open the thread.


If you are at work, you see the NWS tag, you proceed to open the thread, IT IS YOUR FAULT. You were notified of the content in advance.

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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

Explain to me the 'NWS' tag before you even click to open the thread.


If you are at work, you see the NWS tag, you proceed to open the thread, IT IS YOUR FAULT. You were notified of the content in advance.

It's been a rule for a long time that questionable pics are always links. PERIOD.


And besides, I believe that whatever icon I use in my reply is displayed on the main board, which could cause someone to jump straight into a NWS thread w/out realizing it.


*edit*... I was right, here is an example. This post doesnt have the NWS icon since I made a reply.. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid141/pe2be2cfbbdecf5949f7063a3988aa997/f6cddabc.jpg


[ 01. October 2004, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: SamZman ]

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