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What you abandoners missed at Cedar Point *56k, use caution but you CAN view this.*


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To everyone that was supopsed to show up and didn't: You suck. You almost cost us an extra $66. But we had a fantastic time anyway, so your loss.


I also have video of TopThrill Dragster launching. That ride is WICKED. I'll try to get it hosted later.



Lake Erie and a Ferris Wheel



This is the Power Tower. Respect its authority.



Here is a pic of part of Top Thrill Dragster. As you can see, it has a tree.



A pic of a Raptor ride in progress as seen from a skycar.



This is a dragster sitting at Top Thrill’s exit






At night the interior lights and there is a skeleton driving. Some lady/zombie is trying to get out of a coffin. And yes, it has fangs and a blower.




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The Liscense plate reads “I –heart- blood”



Odd dangley pumpkin



Turn your head and cough.



This is a pic of a real person sitting on a podium with some smoke and mirrors trick. Or maybe he has no legs.



Some oddly discomforting dummy in the midway.



A Skeletal band


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Still more....


In the “Fright Town” section



It lights up!



WereWolf Canyon.


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You will definitely have to get the video of Top Thrill Dragster up sometime. The ones on Cedar Point's website only show it from the back - doesn't look as fast as it really is.


Anyway, nice pics. Was that the werewolf that Joel felt up? :D

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How many people other than me didn't show up? I was just as pissed as you guys were that I didn't make it. Had both my alarms set for 7:00, woke up at 9:10. Later that day, I got the message from Jason and someone else (sounded like Ant, but didn't give a name or number) saying they were waiting and disappointed. Sorry about that guys, but believe me I was just as pissed. :mad:
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Guest Cougar_55555
Originally posted by toni marie:

You will definitely have to get the video of Top Thrill Dragster up sometime. The ones on Cedar Point's website only show it from the back - doesn't look as fast as it really is.


Anyway, nice pics. Was that the werewolf that Joel felt up? :D

I think it looks as fast as it is.. it would be hard to capture on video tho. A shot from the bottom of the tower where the water from the liquid cooled cable sprays off in a fine mist right as the train reaches 120+ mph would be sweet! tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Bobby Love.:

I think it looks as fast as it is.. it would be hard to capture on video tho. A shot from the bottom of the tower where the water from the liquid cooled cable sprays off in a fine mist right as the train reaches 120+ mph would be sweet! tongue.gif

Jason did capture it on video - and it looks more wicked when the coaster is coming straight toward you.


Hopefully it'll get posted soon.

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Originally posted by satan:

less pics of rides, more pics of boobies.


damnit, you have failed me.


sorry i didn't make it.


hangover > me

The water rides aren't the huge attraction in October so, sorry, no Bikinis were spotted.
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