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Squid Beware!


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omgosh guys did yooooou see his shoes!! those are sooo last season!

Who gives a shit what other people wear.

If you want to be a gear queer then wear your full leathers when you ride.

(ahah devils advocate...)

your identity is out now. YOU must be Aarons friend in the pictures.. verrr cool man! atleast you are riding a Yamaha now. finally a good choice ;)

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When i was bike shopping a few years ago i saw a guy buy a brand new gixxer 750. as soon as he rolled it out of the door, no joke, had two of his friends hold the bike upright while he stood up on the tank and jumped on it to make it flatter for a "seat"

lamest thing i've ever seen.

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When i was bike shopping a few years ago i saw a guy buy a brand new gixxer 750. as soon as he rolled it out of the door, no joke, had two of his friends hold the bike upright while he stood up on the tank and jumped on it to make it flatter for a "seat"

lamest thing i've ever seen.

Professional stunters use rubber mallets for that. They don't jump on the tank up and down like a fool at the dealership. :lol:

Where was that NATE?

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No worries. I never tell the people directly. It's population control.:cool:

yep, the first time I told a squid to wear his gear he didn't listen. about two months later he was in the ICU because of head trauma, why? Because he decided he wanted to do a wheelie going 60+ mph without a helmet, jacket, gloves, boots, or protective pants. He thought that the shorts and sandals were going to hold up well enough for him.

For some reason everyone got mad at me for not giving to his little get well soon donation box, I don't know why though.... Maybe because it he would have listened he would have only been out a $200 helmet and some scuffed up gear instead of the thousands of dollars in hospital bills, and he wouldn't be in much pain.

now i just tell them once and dont waist my breath. figure God can sort it out from there

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I have scrubbed 45mph road rash out of my father in laws knuckles, knees, shoulders and elbows. Thats all it takes for you to think twice when you think its ok to not put on gear because you only riding for 20 minutes and what could happen... anything and everything. He was wearing a half helmet, leather vest with a t-shirt, thin pants like khakis and tennis shoes. Before he started riding again he bought a 3/4 helmet w shield, a padded mesh riding jacket and riding boots. That was his 3rd accident in 30 years of riding and somehow didnt learn the first 2 times he went down so third times a charm for him I guess. I dont want to have to go through that to learn my lesson. Learn from others mistakes whenever possible!

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I dont want to have to go through that to learn my lesson. Learn from others mistakes whenever possible!

+1. I watched a dude flip over an R6 on Cleveland ave about 6 years ago doing a stand up wheelie right next to us wearing shorts, a wifebeater, tennis shoes. and no lid. He was probably going around 60 when he lossed it and his upper body and knees looked like raw hamburger when he eventually stopped rolling down the road. He was lucky and somehow managed to not hit his head but he pretty much covered the rest of his body with road rash. Nasty.

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