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stupid choppers


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Everyone knows I hate choppers and Hardleys, etc. Well this noise machine chopper with lots of chrome and red lights is coming up to me at a light, and he's coming up reving his engine wildly behind me. Well the light turns green and this asshat nails it and flys by me on the right, IN THE SAME LANE! What an idiot. Needless to say I got on it and went by him on the rear just for show :) stupid noise machines, if your gonna be that loud, AT LEAST be fast enough to back it up. Stupid choppers.

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Neighbor across my street has a loud hog and he lets it idle for atleast 15minutes before he takes off.

Another hog down my street has this HUGE fat guy on it who FLIES up and down our 25mph residential street non-stop. I think he just rides around the neighborhood all summer long.:dunno:

OH and dweezel, if this really happened....GOOD JOB!

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Everyone knows I hate choppers and Hardleys, etc. Well this noise machine chopper with lots of chrome and red lights is coming up to me at a light, and he's coming up reving his engine wildly behind me. Well the light turns green and this asshat nails it and flys by me on the right, IN THE SAME LANE! What an idiot. Needless to say I got on it and went by him on the rear just for show :) stupid noise machines, if your gonna be that loud, AT LEAST be fast enough to back it up. Stupid choppers.

I concur, wholeheartedly.


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I wave at everyone and if they don't wave before they get beside me I turn up the finger.

Sometimes I hate the hole waving scenario they started decades back. I think it's stupid, but it's a habit. Sometimes I just don't give a fuck and don't wave to anybody unless they wave 1st.

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OH and dweezel, if this really happened....GOOD JOB!

ah, yeah it really happened. :bigfinger: He passed me at, what sounded like, WOT (I think, LOOKED like 1/16th throttle to me, but hey I'm used to real bikes) the thing that pissed me off is that I was stopped at the light. He never stopped, when it turned green he was still about a car length behind me and nailed it, and passed me on the right, in the same lane, while I was pulling my foot on the peg to shift into 1st.

I just don't get it, I mean if I'm out in the GMC (3/4 ton, not the Syclone) I don't go out and rev at the guy at the light with the 15" wide slicks and blower sticking out of the hood, why, if your on a 47hp paint shaker, do you go out and rev CONSISTANTLY on of the two fastest production bikes in the world (the fastest, I just put that in there so nick wouldn't cry :wink: )

Seriously? why do Harley's have this obsession with reving at me? What? do you think because you make allot of noise I'm going to have a revelation and change my mind? They certainly don't want to race, I've turned and chased a few of them down, as rev happy as they are, they NEVER want to race. :sad: posers.

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:rant:I "get it", it's a "look at me" contest... even if you sound like a wet fart from a couple miles away, at least people will be giving you attention...

as far as actual "choppers" are concerned,

I like the way some of them look, but I don't see the point...

you've turned something designed for speed and agility(a motorcycle), and made it something for show, removing nearly all traces of it's original function...(kinda like putting fragile 22" chrome wheels on a hummer h1)

as for harleys, they are selling the same image they've been selling since the 50's, and they haven't upgraded their design much at all since then either...They should change their slogan to "104 years of converting gasoline into noise without the harmful side effect of horsepower":rant:

as a side note: I raced a harley on the freeway once. he lost, and I wasn't even on a motorcycle. I was in a 4,000 lb Cadillac Eldorado, LOL...3 runs from 20 to 110, and i beat him by multiple car lengths 2 of those runs...

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I just don't get it, I mean if I'm out in the GMC (3/4 ton, not the Syclone) I don't go out and rev at the guy at the light with the 15" wide slicks and blower sticking out of the hood, why, if your on a 47hp paint shaker, do you go out and rev CONSISTANTLY on of the two fastest production bikes in the world (the fastest, I just put that in there so nick wouldn't cry :wink: )

:sad: posers.

Aint THAT the truth dweezel! :cheers: Also, I actually wish I got to experience that. I NEVER have any guys on cruisers test me down here. Dayton must be way different than up there.

:slap: to your last comment. :p

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I have a cruiser with vance and hines on it so its loud and it sounds good, i do turn the throttle a few times at red lights and stop signs and all that shit but i dont take the bitch to the red line or anything like that. I cant stand when a harley rolls up by my jap bike and tries to have a pissing contest with whos bike is louder, im not gonna buy into that shit and rev back at u cause you think your a bad ass.

The general thought is that most people that ride cruisers would love to have a chopper, and let me tell you that is bullshit. I fucking hate choppers, they are useless and only good for what, maybe a 20 mile ride then your back hurts because you sacrifice comfort for looks. The worst thing anyone can do to a bike is put those gay ass ape hanger handle bars on it:supergay:

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Saw it happen, did the same to me but on the highway doing like 90

Oh Jesus, is this the guy who showed up at the Lodge Bar wearing sneakers and a tshirt, no helmet? The big guy? If so, I definitely want to hear the cop story.

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