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WTB PCI video card


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i need somethign better than my gay ass compaq onboard one. i want to play like halo 1..

dont want to spend a ton of money.

i jsut bought an ATI 8500LE but its not PCI.. i dotn know much about PC internals and what not. so id be willing to sell or trade it for one i can use.

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PCIs are increasingly hard to come by nowadays, especially with the introduction of PCI-X and the jump to them from the technogeeks.


However, Micro Center has a deal on the GeForce4 MX4000, PCI version. It's 64MB with video out and runs at the store for $40. I had one in my work PC for awhile and it's not a bad card, especially for the price:




Then they have the 128MB card for $20 more:





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It comes to almost 50 total with the shipping. I ordered the 64mb one for my little brother, if you want to wait a few days to order it I'll tell you how it plays World of Warcraft.. Which is just as intense graphics wise as Halo.
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