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R134a & R12

Guest Tony_K

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by RX7dood:

not trying to be a dick but if you are borrowing his tools then why should he pm you? :confused:

:confused: To tell me where to go to use it? :confused: What, should I have PM'd him? Sorry, I don't know internet message board etiquette that well. Didn't think it was a big deal who PMed who, and I realize people on here are afraid to display their license plate numbers, much less their contact info.. :confused:


..and hey, cut me some slack man - look what time I posted it! smile.gif

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no its really not that big of a deal its just like person A has a tool, person B needs to borrow it.


person B: "hey person A can you call me later and drop off that tool?"


i was under the impression that if person A is lending the tool that person B should be the one to contact and pick up the tool.


i know nothing was said about picking up the tool but....ehh there is too much usage of the word tool in this post. :-p



not a big deal just thought thats how it worked, maybe i'm wrong.

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