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Pitt Daytrip....June 14th


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Been planning a daytrip to Pittsburgh on Saturday, June 14th. Going to be VERY laid back.....no IBA type itinerary. Going over on Rte. 30. Came home that way from a Steelers game back in August, and was seriously wishin' I was on the 'Bird, as it was 60-70 miles of nice roller coaster twisties from just south of Pitt, all the way to the state line/Ohio River.

More details if you PM me, but just planning on a relaxed day/ride, 'til the curves quit, or the majority wanna turn around & head home. Probably stop somewhere along the way that looks good & grab a bite. All bikes welcome.

I will throw out a few things for now though since we're under 2 weeks............

  • Up to you if you wanna bring your SO....Not sure if there'll be any others. For those of you who know mine.....Yeeeeahhh....She still hates the bike!! :rolleyes:
  • You can still get in last minute if need be....shouldn't be a problem, just keep me posted
  • Pace will be your own.....I don't think we've got any knee draggers in the group so far, but if so, they can just beat the bushes for the rest of us. I like my twisties, but have yet to get a knee down. If need be, maybe we'll break into several groups
  • I'm not the kind of guy who leaves people behind by themselves if they're slower. Big reason I like doing these rides is because of the camaraderie. I want everyone to have fun & want to join us again.....Not feel like they're being rushed the whole way, or forced to ride out of their comfort level to keep up. I also want everyone to return home the same way they left.....I lost enough friends last year
  • On that note.......Leave the squidliness at home. I mean....we all mess around a bit & hit it once in awhile or we wouldn't have these kind of bikes......I just don't want someone stuntin' in the group or riding over their head tryin' to show off & endangering all of us while at it, or drawing unnecessary LEO attention. Hope that doesn't come off prickish, but again, I want everyone goin' home the same way they came out ;)
  • Plan on fuel stops ~ every 150 miles worst case scenario, unless someone gets less than that per tank.....speak up now. I know the 'Busa's get better mileage than us 'Birds, but not sure what a few others of you are riding. There may be other stops as well for pix......If you've read any of my ride reports on here, You know how I like my photo op's :D
  • Shine only.......After our trip around Lake Michigan last year, I have no desire to knowingly ride that far in the rain again if possible. We can throw out some raindate options in case weather conspires against us
  • I'm planning on 500 miles from my place. I'm thinkin' of meetin'/leavin' BeaverDam, at the I-75/30 junction by mid-morning. We may have people coming from Ann Arbor, Ft. Wayne & Dayton areas, so this will allow them to leave home at a reasonable hour. That would put us to Pittsburgh by mid-afternoon I think. IIRC, it took me about 4 hours in the van last August, and we should make about the same time on the bikes, as fuel stops/meet points will negate going +5 on the bikes. Figure couple hours for lunch/dinner, pix, gas etc......I think we'll all be home by midnight'ish
  • Right now there are 3 "Join Points" as we cross Ohio........BeaverDam, where Rt. 30 & I-75 come together, Mansfield @ the Rt. 13 & 30 junction, & Hanoverton @ the Rt. 9 & 30 junction

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting stuff, but again......we can hammer out details going forward. Again......PM me if you're interested & want more details. I was deliberately vague on times in case any LEO's are on here scoutin' their next speed trap ;) More specific times if you PM me. I'll include you in the planning emails that have been going back & forth

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I'm down to a maybe Fonz.

C'mon Sam......You know you wanna!! ;)

count me IN like sin.

Glad to hear it Ben! Did you PM me your email addy yet?

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I'd LOVE to if I wasn't saving my gas money for a real long trip when we head out of town for 9 days at the end of this month.:(

Now that's not what you said b4 Nick.......You said it was TOO long a ride for you!!! :lol:

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Forgot to mention above, but guesstimate at this point is about 12-15 bikes for the ride so far.

Benyen & Cleve the Great have both jumped in from here. Dweezel is too, & hopefully GoJira can still make it!! Got some other friends from other boards that are gonna be joining in as well. Lookin' forward to it......Should be a fun day of riding & camaraderie!! :D

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Call in dead. They love that.

Here's one of the "Photo Op's" we're planning on........As I mentioned before, I'm a Steelers fan, as is at least one other guy goin'. Would really like to get pix of my bike at least, as well as group shots of all attending preferably, in front of the stadium. There's a huge banner of Mean Joe Green hanging from the stadium wall that I thought would make a sweet backdrop if it's still there in the offseason....even if you're not Steelers fans ;) Hopefully we can find a sweet view somewhere with the Ohio River as background also.

Cleave.......You may not like the stadium idea :D

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Here's one of the "Photo Op's" we're planning on........As I mentioned before, I'm a Steelers fan, as is at least one other guy goin'. Would really like to get pix of my bike at least, as well as group shots of all attending preferably, in front of the stadium. There's a huge banner of Mean Joe Green hanging from the stadium wall that I thought would make a sweet backdrop if it's still there in the offseason....even if you're not Steelers fans ;) Hopefully we can find a sweet view somewhere with the Ohio River as background also.

Cleave.......You may not like the stadium idea :D

Yeah I'll probably just stare in disgust as you guys take those pics. I have bad memories from that place:mad:

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isn't your bike sort of a sacrelige to your team then?

you should have left it black and put yellow stripes on it...

Naaah.....She's black & orange. We don't hate the Bungles nearly as much as the Brownies!! :D Really.....We don't even hate the Brownies anymore....The new Brownies definately ain't the same as the old ones! They gotta start beatin' us for it to be considered a rivalry again :lol:

Besides......One of the guys on the XX board who doesn't post much anymore, already went black with yellow

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Yeah I'll probably just stare in disgust as you guys take those pics. I have bad memories from that place:mad:

Understood Cleave......You're still gonna get in on the group shot, aren'cha? :D

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now i got to find my old beetle pics...sheesh

I'd love to go riding with ya fonz, but bad timing for fathers day weekend...

edit: found one

it's a 67 beetle, with 36 inches cut out of the middle to make the back seat, the front seat...took us about 3 months from concept to finished car...

wheelies were a blast in that thing


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now i got to find my old beetle pics...sheesh

I'd love to go riding with ya fonz, but bad timing for fathers day weekend...

That's why it's the day BEFORE Father's Day Duane ;) Tell them you'll be spending Sunday with them, but you wanna do what you wanna do on Saturday :D

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This sucks, I was really looking forward to meeting you guys and taking a nice long bike ride.

So tell him you already made plans, and they should'a clued you in sooner if they really wanted you there! :D

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I tried that, and then I got to take a ride down guilt trip lane.
i hate guilt trip lane, it's never paved, and you always seem to go through waist deep mud puddles

Pack your bags.......We're goin' on a Guilt Trip! ;)

You just gotta learn how to work the "counter" guilt trip. It'll come with age, experience.....& kids!! :lol:

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