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Hillary is done


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Dont you think a guy who was a POW for as long as McCain would be a little less apt to invade other countries at the drop of a hat? I doubt that his dad has a bone to pick with any certain middle eastern dictators.

I would have voted for Colin Powell in a heartbeat.

That's like saying that because Barrack is black, he will open up a KFC in the oval office. Sounds about right, but ain't gonna happen. LOL

Seriously though, I see what you are trying to say, but him being a POW has absolutely nothing to do with invading countries. It's not just about invading countries..it's about diplomacy..it's about policies..it's about minding our own business..it's about taking care of business at HOME! Invest that fuckin money we are spending overseas in our schools!! invest in our kids!! They are the future, for real!

Him being a POW and not wanting to go to war, is the same as saying barrack is black and because of that, wouldn't want other people to be 'oppressed' as black were in the past. It doesn't mean anything.

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Dont you think a guy who was a POW for as long as McCain would be a little less apt to invade other countries at the drop of a hat? I doubt that his dad has a bone to pick with any certain middle eastern dictators.

Uhh, depending on which day you talk to him...the majority of McCain's platform is 'more of the same'. Take the McCain / Bush challenge (http://www.bush-mccainchallenge.com/?rc=yt). Which, per InyaAzz's reasoning...what good is experience for if it's just going to be status quo? I agree. We need a fuggin' change.

While I can respect that he is a veteran, it doesn't change the fact that he has NO clue what's going on. http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/001084.htm He messes up facts ALL the time (Recent example, from just this past SUNDAY: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/05/31/mccain-commits-yet-another-foreign-policy-blunder/)

And people need to start realizing that RELIGION and POLITICS need to be separate. McCain has had his own religious issues (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/06/03/a-tale-of-two-pastors/) that don't get as much press coverage as Obama and Rev. Wright. So, we need to condemn McCain now for his association (or disassociation) with his religious affiliates. If you can apply guidelines, judgment, or scrutiny to one candidate - it needs to be applied to both.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good lessons in the Bible (kind of like there are a lot of good lessons in Aesops Fables), but no one lives their life as written, in the Bible - and the government must deal with issues WELL beyond the scope of the Bible. RELIGION and POLITICS don't belong together. Politicians needs to make logical and rational decisions.

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Yes I listened to the whole thing and the dude is a racist. If a white pastor said anything remotely akin to this, we would hang him. You may think I am a redneck or whatever for pointing that out, but I wont support anyone who consults with and follows the religious teachings of a racist. PERIOD.

ummmm... David Duke. He is a self proclaimed racist and has been repeatedly RE-elected to office. He says racist things, admits to being a racist, and writes racists books. So don't say we would hang a politician's pastor if they were white and made racist comments. David Duke makes those comments himself and to show for it he gets reelected.

Don't get me wrong, what Mr. Wright said was completely wrong. (you see what I did in that last sentence ;) but lets not get carried away with ourselves and place those hatred filled words upon the Senator from Illinois.

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And people need to start realizing that RELIGION and POLITICS need to be separate. McCain has had his own religious issues (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/06/03/a-tale-of-two-pastors/) that don't get as much press coverage as Obama and Rev. Wright. So, we need to condemn McCain now for his association (or disassociation) with his religious affiliates. If you can apply guidelines, judgment, or scrutiny to one candidate - it needs to be applied to both.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good lessons in the Bible (kind of like there are a lot of good lessons in Aesops Fables), but no one lives their life as written, in the Bible - and the government must deal with issues WELL beyond the scope of the Bible. RELIGION and POLITICS don't belong together. Politicians needs to make logical and rational decisions.

Amen!! Preach!!!! LOL

Seriously though, 1000% correct. In this country, religion and politics do NOT mix. Why? Because this country is home to MANY religions. There is no 'official' religion. This is why it's wrong to promote democracy to other countries with the barrel of a rifle. Bush doesn't seem to get this.

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All you have to do is listen to the three of them talk for any period of time to tell who is most qualified. Obama is about the only one that can't be attacked for something he said, but instead was constantly attacked for things someone else said.

Clinton just makes shit up as she goes along and is as dishonest as it comes; snipers and not withdrawing her name from the Florida and Mich ballots like others did.

McCain is already senile or just plain stupid; can't even keep Sunni and Shiite straight and trying to tie the two together (Iran and Al Qaeda) in some impossible fashion considering they hate each other and he does it multiple times. Yeah this is the guy that is running on being strong on foreign policy. :lol:

I can't think of anything that stands out as easily for Obama. He had some poor wording in Pennsylvania that was spun way out of control, he handled the Rev Wright thing as well or better than most would without immediately throwing him under the bus like the others would have. I don't know... maybe someone else can tell me something he's said or done on the level as the other 2 that is as stupid.

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Amen!! Preach!!!! LOL

Seriously though, 1000% correct. In this country, religion and politics do NOT mix. Why? Because this country is home to MANY religions. There is no 'official' religion.


It SHOULD be separate, but it isn't...all you need to do is look at our money, read our pledge, or go into 1 of MANY courthouses to see the "christians" run this country...regardless of the way it SHOULD be...

religion is about 1/2 of politics, otherwise this whole gay marriage issue wouldn't be an issue, period...

This country is run by ignorant redneck retards, that's who the majority is, so that's who the candidates appeal to...

you see the shit that obama went through cause his name sounded muslim? Do you honestly think someone who wasn't claiming christianity would even have a CHANCE at the white house? Please

Religion and Politics are intertwined, and that won't change for a very very long time...

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It SHOULD be separate, but it isn't...all you need to do is look at tour money, read our pledge, or go into 1 of MANY courthouses to see the "christians" run this country...regardless of the way it SHOULD be...

religion is about 1/2 of politics, otherwise this whole gay marriage issue wouldn't be an issue, period...

This country is run by ignorant redneck retards, that's who the majority is, so that's who the candidates appeal to...

you see the shit that obama went through cause his name sounded muslim? Do you honestly think someone who wasn't claiming christianity would even have a CHANCE at the white house? Please

Religion and Politics are intertwined, and that won't change for a very very long time...

it sounds muslim because it is muslim. I am not saying he follows the muslim religion just pointing it out.

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Why would we want the same old 'experience'? Isn't government and politics corrupted and just plain convoluted enough without bringing more of the same to the table? What has experience gotten us so far? We are hated throughout the world..mainly because we try to force democracy on others with bullets and bombs. We use countries as proxies, and then throw them away when they don't server our purposes anymore. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my country. BUT we are soo wrong on soo many levels that affect not only us, but people across the globe it's not even right.

You can't force a country to do what we tell them to do, just because we don;t think it's right. We have invaded more countries than ANYONE in the last 20-30 years. When people in the middle east call us crusaders, are they really far from the truth?

ok...rant done. I'm just trying to make the point that 'experience' hasn't gotten us anywhere lately. i think it's time for someone with a fresh view and a different approach.

While I agree with some of what you're saying there, I'm not really sure it justifies McCain being tortured & held in captivity as a POW for over 3 years....and he was 1 of the lucky ones. :( My point was answering the question over who had enough experience.......He's served our country more than 99% of us, & definately moreso than either of his opponents

Seriously though, I see what you are trying to say, but him being a POW has absolutely nothing to do with invading countries. It's not just about invading countries..it's about diplomacy..it's about policies..it's about minding our own business..it's about taking care of business at HOME! Invest that fuckin money we are spending overseas in our schools!! invest in our kids!! They are the future, for real!

See......While I agree with you about "minding our own business", here's one of the BIG problems I have with the Democrats, & ESPECIALLY Hillary & BHO...........Now that they need us & our votes, they're telling us what we want to hear about NAFTA......Hillary even going so far as to lie & say she was against it all along, even though it was her husband who shoved it down our throats!!!

Not like she's ever lied before though, right........Like about her Bosnia visit & landing in sniper fire, even though the media cleared up her little memory snafu with their video archive of how peaceful it was, or her & the hubby writing books about their political careers, even though they both claimed, under oath, that they "couldn't remember" some stuff from the Whitewater era/incidents, or how 'bout her being caught stealing some stuff from the WhiteHouse when her & 'ol Slick Willy were movin' out?!? :rolleyes:

BHO just plays dumb about NAFTA, saying it was before his time, then softspeaks about it, claiming it should be "re-visited"......but then the media catches his camp talking to Canada & telling them "Don't worry about NAFTA.....BHO's just on the campaign trail sayin' what he needs to"!! :eek::mad:

I've got family that was hit hard by NAFTA.......20 plus years in a local factory, making good wages for someone with a high school education, that was closed 6 years ago & moved to Mexico. She has yet to recover from that. I know I'm not the only on here who has someone affected by NAFTA either, as Ohio was particularly hard hit by that piece of Democratic brilliance. The irony here is that the Democratic Party is traditionally "blue collar". I find Hitlery's lies, & Hussein Obama's double speak on this matter completely unacceptable & infuriating.

And yes.......I would vote for Colin Powell or Condoleza Rice in a heartbeat if they ran, so don't anyone tell me I'm a racist or sexist. And yes......I did vote Democratic 8 years ago, though I'm not too impressed with 'ol Al "I invented the interweb" Gore lately either :rolleyes:

I vote for the person......not the party.

Like someone on another board has in his sigline........"I love my country, but HATE my government!"

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It SHOULD be separate, but it isn't...all you need to do is look at our money, read our pledge, or go into 1 of MANY courthouses to see the "christians" run this country...regardless of the way it SHOULD be...

religion is about 1/2 of politics, otherwise this whole gay marriage issue wouldn't be an issue, period...

This country is run by ignorant redneck retards, that's who the majority is, so that's who the candidates appeal to...

you see the shit that obama went through cause his name sounded muslim? Do you honestly think someone who wasn't claiming christianity would even have a CHANCE at the white house? Please

Religion and Politics are intertwined, and that won't change for a very very long time...

You sir, have a point.

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See......While I agree with you about "minding our own business", here's one of the BIG problems I have with the Democrats, & ESPECIALLY Hillary & BHO...........Now that they need us & our votes, they're telling us what we want to hear about NAFTA......Hillary even going so far as to lie & say she was against it all along, even though it was her husband who shoved it down our throats!!!

Uh hold on there chief.

"NAFTA was initially pursued by politicians in the United States and Canada supportive of free trade, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and the Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari." - NAFTA - Wikipedia

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Uh hold on there chief.

"NAFTA was initially pursued by politicians in the United States and Canada supportive of free trade, led by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and the Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari." - NAFTA - Wikipedia

That's good to know....sincerely....but who forced it into law?

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people give the president far too much credit...

he only has 3 months of "command" power over the military, then it's up to congress...

he can only "veto" or "sign" a bill, then it goes right back to congress...

he does have an important role, but it's nothing compared to congress, and the judicial system...

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ummmm... David Duke. He is a self proclaimed racist and has been repeatedly RE-elected to office. He says racist things, admits to being a racist, and writes racists books. So don't say we would hang a politician's pastor if they were white and made racist comments. David Duke makes those comments himself and to show for it he gets reelected.

Don't get me wrong, what Mr. Wright said was completely wrong. (you see what I did in that last sentence ;) but lets not get carried away with ourselves and place those hatred filled words upon the Senator from Illinois.

Umm...David Duke isn't running for Prez. :rolleyes:

He doesn't face the scrutiny that a presidential candidate does. He was elected to one term in the Louisiana House of Rep. in 1989, was never re-elected and thats it. So...:puke:

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While I agree with some of what you're saying there, I'm not really sure it justifies McCain being tortured & held in captivity as a POW for over 3 years....and he was 1 of the lucky ones. :( My point was answering the question over who had enough experience.......He's served our country more than 99% of us, & definately moreso than either of his opponents

See......While I agree with you about "minding our own business", here's one of the BIG problems I have with the Democrats, & ESPECIALLY Hillary & BHO...........Now that they need us & our votes, they're telling us what we want to hear about NAFTA......Hillary even going so far as to lie & say she was against it all along, even though it was her husband who shoved it down our throats!!!

Not like she's ever lied before though, right........Like about her Bosnia visit & landing in sniper fire, even though the media cleared up her little memory snafu with their video archive of how peaceful it was, or her & the hubby writing books about their political careers, even though they both claimed, under oath, that they "couldn't remember" some stuff from the Whitewater era/incidents, or how 'bout her being caught stealing some stuff from the WhiteHouse when her & 'ol Slick Willy were movin' out?!? :rolleyes:

BHO just plays dumb about NAFTA, saying it was before his time, then softspeaks about it, claiming it should be "re-visited"......but then the media catches his camp talking to Canada & telling them "Don't worry about NAFTA.....BHO's just on the campaign trail sayin' what he needs to"!! :eek::mad:

I've got family that was hit hard by NAFTA.......20 plus years in a local factory, making good wages for someone with a high school education, that was closed 6 years ago & moved to Mexico. She has yet to recover from that. I know I'm not the only on here who has someone affected by NAFTA either, as Ohio was particularly hard hit by that piece of Democratic brilliance. The irony here is that the Democratic Party is traditionally "blue collar". I find Hitlery's lies, & Hussein Obama's double speak on this matter completely unacceptable & infuriating.

And yes.......I would vote for Colin Powell or Condoleza Rice in a heartbeat if they ran, so don't anyone tell me I'm a racist or sexist. And yes......I did vote Democratic 8 years ago, though I'm not too impressed with 'ol Al "I invented the interweb" Gore lately either :rolleyes:

I vote for the person......not the party.

Like someone on another board has in his sigline........"I love my country, but HATE my government!"

On the POW thing, I'm not sure what you mean. I never justified him being tortured and held captive. ?? I merely stated that just because his was a POW, it doesn't mean his is ready (or not) to be President or less willing to go to war.

I've seen the effects of NAFTA...lived it myself and watched people with 30 years in one place get pink slipped like nothing. I agree with you on the tap dance the candidates play on that issue. That's the part i don't like about politics..the 'shuckin' and jivin' when these candidates are trying to get votes.

I think the cries of 'racism' towards white people who are not voting for Obama, stem from the people who normally vote the party regardless (Like Al Gore..even though no one knew WTF he stood for, they still voted for him), but won't vote for Obama JUST because he's black..when they voted for a white person 8 years ago who they had absolutely no clue about...but voted for him just because he was not a republican. Yes, these people exist.

And I 100% agree with you..I love my country, but the government is fucked up.

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And I 100% agree with you..I love my country, but the government is fucked up.

I'll amend it:

"I love my country, and what it stands for, but the government needs work...

It's the first of it's kind, and like any prototype, it isn't perfect, but it works"

Pretty good huh? Think I could run for president if I claimed to be a christian?

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That's good to know....sincerely....but who forced it into law?

Seriously? Clinton picks up NAFTA from Bush (who was forcing it into law) and leaves it in place untouched and Clinton is responsible for NAFTA??? Clinton improved things from where George Sr left them by adding two separate agreements to help alleviate environmental concerns and labor disputes.

Not only that I believe I read an article a while back about Bush Jr continuing to push NAFTA agreements with countries like Venezuela. Talk about crazy.

If you want to take it a step further and try throwing blame at one of the parties, Republicans had more Yea votes for NAFTA in both the Senate and the House.

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ummmm... David Duke. He is a self proclaimed racist and has been repeatedly RE-elected to office. He says racist things, admits to being a racist, and writes racists books. So don't say we would hang a politician's pastor if they were white and made racist comments. David Duke makes those comments himself and to show for it he gets reelected.

Don't get me wrong, what Mr. Wright said was completely wrong. (you see what I did in that last sentence ;) but lets not get carried away with ourselves and place those hatred filled words upon the Senator from Illinois.

Umm...David Duke isn't running for Prez. :rolleyes:

He doesn't face the scrutiny that a presidential candidate does. He was elected to one term in the Louisiana House of Rep. in 1989, was never re-elected and thats it. So...:puke:

I took a look online and maybe I missed something but Cleaner I think your facts are wrong I did find that he was elected once as Max Power indicated and did try to run again for several offices and was never re-elected once let alone repeatedly

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He's not running for President, but he's an example of the racism in our government and the people that elect our officials.

How? :dunno:

It just shows that there were some racists in Louisiana. :sheepfucker:

WOW, go figure.

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I'm sure there are a few other states that he could have won in..I won't name em, but they aren't too hard to figure out.

Just because you or your race (this is a general statement, not directed towards anyone)hasn't been affectedly directly by racism, don't think it's not out there. It's not in your face like the 60's, but it's still there. Do you think that it was magically wiped away because Black folks were allowed to use the same bathrooms and water fountains? And, on the other side, there are Blacks (and others) who play the race card all too frequently. Just because some folks choose to use it as a crutch (all too frequently for my taste), doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It does. Just because you aren't on the receiving end of it doesn't mean that someone else isn't.

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I'll amend it:

"I love my country, and what it stands for, but the government needs work...

It's the first of it's kind, and like any prototype, it isn't perfect, but it works"

Pretty good huh? Think I could run for president if I claimed to be a christian?

Don't forget us little people. :)

You know what really gets my panties is a bunch? All the unnecessary pork barrel spending..and I'm not talking about a slab of baby back ribs. So much could get done...so many laws passed that could help people..but it all gets weighted down with all this side spending that usually benefits no one but the politicians somehow. Then legit bills get stuck to all this pork and get shot down, not because of the original bill, because of all the crap that got attached to it. Now, Joe Blow gets to say "he voted against money for daycare", when in reality his vote was against the other crap.

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