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anybody want to meet up at calladaughs or fado's tomorrow night before geeros?, i would rather go to calladaughs (less crowded), i am probably gonna go no matter, just checking to see if anyone else wanted to roll out
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brandon drinking and driving badbad thats how you can loose your license talk to drew about it haha jk and smirnoff ice? haha i dont even drink that and i am a girl so whos a pussy? haha ;) youre awesome!!
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

7 or 8 tonight

So this is definate? I'll stop by around 8 to see if you are there. Eric and Marc both said maybe, so we will see. I kinda wish I had seen this post earlier.


EDIT - looking at this again, you never really gave a specific meeting place. Adam, if you read this before going, I'm going to PM you my cell phone number. Gimme a call and let me know what's up.

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:



I might show up. Someone call my cell and let me know when for sure.


You mother fucker, ask him how many beers i had on tuesday night, and the saterday before that ;) . And yes i drank it ( olny 1/4th ) and i olny drank it cause it was there, and i didnt even like it.


Ryan check you PM's and need drews number, or i might just drive over there

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Guest visualpoet
Just heard the chopper over the hotel, went outside and it looks like they're busting people over at the thrift shop on Cleveland Ave. Hope it's not anyone here!
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Guest Dark_Viper01
I donno what hpappened, I had just gotten there and the chopper was already there, people where scattering in all directions, I've never seen the lot empty that fast. I'm guessing they gave the order to leave, anyone know what exactly happened?
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Guest Elinar Longsight
Yeah, Mike and I were there for about 2 mins when a security guard came around and told everyone that we had to leave, that it was private property and were not allowed there anymore. We left before the helicpter got there.
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Originally posted by B DUBS:

You mother fucker, ask him how many beers i had on tuesday night, and the saterday before that ;) . And yes i drank it ( olny 1/4th ) and i olny drank it cause it was there, and i didnt even like it.

Liar. That's the second one you had here, and we have beer in the fridge. You like the shit, like a bitch tongue.gif


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