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Originally posted by BenGNU:


You board with an 80's single tip board dont you.

[sarcasm]Yeah, and he almost became a professional boarder on it. There were scouts out watching him when he tried to do that trick that hurt him. Otherwise he would have been moving to Colorado on sponsorship.[/sarcasm]
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I can see geoff in a lime green and sky blue wind breaker riding around with a goofy oldschool beanie and a little fluffy ball on top doing [little kids voice}"fakey roll of the A frame jump"[/little kids voice]


but in all seriousness whats a fakey roll of the A frame jump?

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Originally posted by BenGNU:

but in all seriousness whats a fakey roll of the A frame jump?

I'm going to assume by a roll he mean a barrel roll and by fakey he means facing fakey when he went up to the jump, or he was facing regular and rolled backwards (towards his back, landing 'blind', like when you do a front flip). I don’t know if these are the correct terms or not, but this is just what I’ve heard used.


I have no clue what the A-Frame jump is. Maybe it was one of the smaller ones that I never bothered with at Mad River, the ones that I went over to gain speed for the 'bigger' jumps? You know, those retarded ones at the top of the hill last year at Mad River. The ones that if you covered any distance over them you'd have a long ways down because the down side was immediately after the lip of the jump. :rolleyes:


Kyle, are they still putting the terrain park this year where the old bunny hill was?

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Originally posted by MackZilla:

All my days at Snow Trails and Mad River, and I have never seen anyone pull even a half assed trick. Where are you guys hiding?

You can come and watch me fail miserabley. I do get lots of air though. I normally see at least one decent skier and one decent snowboarder there every time I go (at tricks). Very often there will be a small group of one or the other. I don't know where you've been hiding.
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